.01included locations id0;1FREE TEXTBEnter an ID (free text) that will represent an entry in the FROM - TO location matrix. The value of the ID field is insignificant as it simply represents a place holder. You can use any naming or numbering convention that you want. Orders will not auto-dc for location (ward) type transfers unless the transfer from and transfer to locations are identified within the INCLUDED LOCATIONS from - to entries. If the transfer from and to locations are found in this multiple then orders will auto-dc.
1from all locations0;2BOOLEAN1:YES
This is a hospital location that will cause this rule to be applied; if no specialty change occurs with the transfer, then the patient must be moving from this location to one listed in the TO LOCATION multiple for active orders to be discontinued.
2from location0;3POINTER44If you did not select YES for the FROM ALL LOCATIONS field then you must select an individual field for the patient to be coming FROM. This is a hospital location that will cause this rule to be applied; if no specialty change occurs with the transfer, then the patient must be moving from this location to one listed in the TO LOCATION multiple for active orders to be discontinued.
3to all locations0;4BOOLEAN1:YES
This is a hospital location that will cause this rule to be applied; if no specialty change occurs with the transfer, then the patient must be moving to this location from the FROM LOCATION for active orders to be discontinued.
4to location0;5POINTER44If you did not set the TO ALL LOCATIONS field to YES then you must specify the location the patient is moving TO that will match with the selection made for the FROM location (either all or individual). This is a hospital location that will cause this rule to be applied; if no specialty change occurs with the transfer, then the patient must be moving to this location from the FROM LOCATION for active orders to be discontinued.

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