This file contains the various site configurable parameters for the Vitals/Measurements application.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field provides an arbitrary name for the single entry in this file.
1quick order protocol counterQ0;1NUMERICThis field contains a counter which is appended to the end of each quick order protocol.
1.3gmrv initialization switchINIT;1NUMERICThis field contains a switch used by the GMRVINIT's ONLY. NO EDITING ALLOWED!!!
2stop date default0;2NUMERICThis field stores the number of days allotted in between the start date of a vitals order and the stop date.
3cancel on ward transfer0;3BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates that a flag is present to cancel vital measurement orders when a patient transfers between wards.
4cancel on service transfer0;4BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates that a flag is present to cancel vital measurement orders when a patient transfers between services.
5.1abnormal temperature - high(+)1;1NUMERICThis field indicates the upper limit for an acceptable range of patient temperatures. The abnormal high is equal to or greater than the value entered.
5.2abnormal temperature - low(+)1;2NUMERICThis field sets the lower limit for an acceptable range of patient temperatures. The abnormal low is equal to or below that of the value entered.
5.3abnormal pulse - high(+)1;3NUMERICThis field sets the upper limit of an acceptable pulse rate. The abnormal high is equal to or greater than the value entered.
5.4abnormal pulse - low1;4NUMERICThis field sets the lower limit of an acceptable pulse rate. The abnormal low is equal to or lower than the value entered.
5.5abnormal respiration - high1;5NUMERICThis field sets the upper limit of an acceptable respiration rate. The abnormal high is equal to or greater than the value entered.
5.6abnormal respiration - low1;6NUMERICThis field sets the lower limit of an acceptable respiration rate. The abnormal low is equal to or lower than the value entered.
5.7abnormal systolic - high1;7NUMERICThis field sets the upper limit for an acceptable systolic blood pressure. The abnormal high is equal to or greater than the value entered.
5.71abnormal diastolic - high1;8NUMERICThis field sets the upper limit for an acceptable diastolic blood pressure. The abnormal high is equal to or greater than the value entered.
5.8abnormal systolic - low1;9NUMERICThis field sets the lower limit for an acceptable systolic blood pressure. The abnormal low is equal to or lower than the value entered.
5.81abnormal diastolic - low1;10NUMERICThis field sets the lower limit for an acceptable diastolic blood pressure. The abnormal low is equal to or lower than the value entered.
6.1abnormal cvp - high(+)1;11NUMERICThis field sets the upper limit of an acceptable central venous pressure rate. The abnormal high is equal to or greater than the value entered.
6.2abnormal cvp - low(+)1;12NUMERICThis field sets the lower limit of an acceptable central venous pressure. The abnormal low is equal to or lower than the value entered.
6.3abnormal o2 saturation - low(+)1;13NUMERICThis field sets the lower limit of an acceptable oxygen saturation rate. The abnormal low is equal to or lower than the value entered.
999phase i completedPHASEI;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field denotes whether the GMRV Site/Quality Conversion has completed.
999.1phase ii completedPHASEII;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field denotes whether the GMRV Vitals Measurement Data Conversion has completed.
999.2phase ii last recordPHASEII;2NUMERICThis field will contain the number of the last record to be converted by the GMRV Vitals Measurement Data Conversion, or it will be null if the conversion has completed or has not started.

Not Referenced