Files > OUTPUT

.01output date/time(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBThis field stores the end date/time point for this cumulative measurement. NO FUTURE DATE/TIME ALLOWED !!!
1output type(+)0;2POINTER126.58This field identifies the major output categories such as URINE, EMESIS, etc.
2output subtype0;3POINTER126.6This field contains subtitle names associated with each major output category, i.e., FOLEY CATHETER and VOIDED for URINE.
3output amount(+)0;4FREE TEXTThe field stores the cumulative amount of this output period in milliliters (ml). Enter "*" if output amount is unknown.
4comment0;5FREE TEXTThis field permits the caregiver to describe additional observations for this output, i.e., color, odor, consistency for drainage. This field will be used in the next version.
5entered by(+)0;6POINTER200This field contains the name of the user who enters this record. Pointer to the New Person file ^VA(200).
6hospital location(+)0;7POINTER44This field contains the hospital location of the patient. Pointer to the Hospital Location file (#44).

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 126.02