This file, introduced with Name Standardization (Patch XU*8.0*134), holds the component parts of a person's name as follows: Family (Last) Name (field #1) Given (First) Name (field #2) Middle Name (field #3) Prefix (field #4) Suffix (field #5) Degree (field #6) The "source name" that has these components is identified by the following three fields: File (field #.01) Field (field #.02) IENS (field #.03) The "ANAME" cross-reference on the Family (Last) Name, Given (First) Name, Middle Name, and Suffix fields keeps each component in synchronization with the corresponding source name. In the case of Patch XU*8.0*134, the source name is the .01 field (the Name field) of the NEW PERSON file (#200). The Degree and Prefix fields are not considered part of a standard name, but can be used to build formatted names for display.
.01file(+)0;1NUMERICBAnswer must be the number of the file or subfile that contains the name field.
.02field(+)0;2NUMERICAnswer must be the number of the field that contains the name.
.03iens(+)0;3FREE TEXTAnswer must be the IENS of the entry that contains the name.
1family (last) name(+)1;1FREE TEXTAnswer with the person's family (last) name. It must begin with an upper-case letter and can contain only upper-case letters, numbers, and punctuation, excluding circumflexes (^) and grave accents (`).
2given (first) name(+)1;2FREE TEXTAnswer with the person's given (first) name. It must begin with an upper-case letter and can contain only upper-case letters, numbers, and punctuation, excluding circumflexes (^) and grave accents (`).
3middle name1;3FREE TEXTAnswer with the person's middle name. It must begin with an upper-case letter and can contain only upper-case letters, numbers, and punctuation, excluding circumflexes (^) and grave accents (`). Middle names of NMI and NMN are not accepted.
4prefix1;4FREE TEXTAnswer with the name prefix, such as MR or MS. Answer must begin with an upper-case letter and can contain only upper-case letters, numbers, and punctuation, excluding circumflexes (^) and grave accents (`).
5suffix1;5FREE TEXTAnswer with the name suffix(es), such as JR, SR, II, or III. Answer must begin with an upper-case letter and can contain only upper-case letters, numbers, and punctuation, excluding circumflexes (^) and grave accents (`).
6degree1;6FREE TEXTAnswer with the person's academic or professional degree, such as BS, BA, MD, or PHD. It must begin with an upper-case letter and can contain only upper-case letters, numbers, and punctuation, excluding circumflexes (^) and grave accents (`).
7source name format flags1;7FREE TEXTWhen the name fields in the Name Components file are edited, the "ANAME" cross-reference updates the corresponding name field in the source file. This SOURCE NAME FORMAT FLAGS field can be used to control the format of the name placed in the source name field. Answer with the flags used in $$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME API. For example, C : Return a Comma between the Family (Last) and Given (First) Names. L : Truncate the returned name to the maximum length as specified by the data type of the source name field. L# : Truncate the returned name to a maximum length of # characters, where # is an integer between 1 and 256. S : Standardize the name components before building the formatted name. If this field is null (i.e., no flags are specified), the default is "CLS".
11notes about name11;1FREE TEXTThis field stores notes about the name. During the New Person Name Conversion, which is run as part of the post-install routine of Patch XU*8.0*134, if a name in the NEW PERSON file contains text in parentheses (), brackets [], or braces {}, that text is removed from the name, and the original name with the parenthetical text is recorded in this field.

Referenced by 2 types

  1. PATIENT (2) -- name components, k-name components, k2-name components, father's name components, mother's name components, mothers maiden name components, e-name components, e2-name components, d-name components
  2. NEW PERSON (200) -- name components