.01purpose0;1FREE TEXTBThe value of this field is a string. This string identifies an action that may be executed by the application software. Depending on the UID of the object being manipulated, the application will find in this table which specific action is to be executed for which specific purpose.
2action0;2FREE TEXTThe value of this field is a string. This string identifies the action to be taken by the application for this purpose for this UID. Since the value in this field by be used by an application that runs on VistA, as well as by a client-application that acquires this value through a remote procedure, no assumption can be made about the mechanism that may be used to invoke the software to perform this action (it may be MUMPS, Delphi, Java, et cetera). Hence, the value in this field will be a numeric code. The meaning of this code is specific to each purpose for which an action may be taken.
3comment0;3FREE TEXTThe value of this field is a string. The value that will be used by the applications to determine which action to take is taken from a different field in this record (ACTION). In order to facilitate debugging and consistency checking, a semi free text is entered in this field that described the action to take in a human-readable form.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 2006.5391