.01user0;1NUMERICBThe value of this field is an integer number that identifies a user. The value for this field is copied from the value of "DUZ" (user number) on the VistA system where this number is registered.
1access level0;2SET OF CODES1:Full Access
2:View Only Access
The value of this field is a code that identifies the access level (on the DICOM Gateway) for the current user. On a DICOM Gateway, a user can have full access (value is 1) or view only access (value is 2).
2vista access info0;3FREE TEXTThe value of this field, which is stored in an encrypted fashion, is a string that is passed to a VistA system as the access and verify codes for the current user.
4vista service account0;4FREE TEXTThe value of this field is a string containing encrypted data. This value contains the access and verify codes that the DICOM Gateway is allowed to use as a "service account" when the credentials that were provided by the end-user during login expire during the course of the session. This field is automatically populated when an end-user successfully logs in on a DICOM Gateway. When a site decides not to have such a service account, the value of this field will be an encrypted value for the string ";".

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