This file contains various Nursing specific site parameters.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field contains the word ONE, and can only contain this word. Also, there can only be one entry in this file.
2cno printer0;2POINTER3.5This field denotes the device which is assigned to print all of the nursing exception reports. This printer should be on at all times.
3nursing offline/online(+)OFF;1SET OF CODES1:OFF-LINE
This switch will allow the site manager to bring the Nursing application off-line without bringing the entire system down.
4nursing new person file access0;3SET OF CODES1:ACCESS TO NEW PERSON FILE
This field allows the Site Manager to turn on/off access to the NEW PERSON file from the Nursing Package.
5nurs initialization switchINIT;1NUMERICThis switch is used by the NURSINIT's ONLY. NO EDITING ALLOWED!!!
5.1nura initialization switchINIT;2NUMERICThis switch is used by the NURAINIT's ONLY. NO EDITING ALLOWED!!!
5.2nurq initialization switchINIT;3NUMERICThis switch is used by the NURQINIT's ONLY. NO EDITING ALLOWED!!!
5.3nurc initialization switchINIT;4NUMERICThis switch is used by the NURCINIT's ONLY. NO EDITING ALLOWED!!!
6.1date amis job last runDATE;1DATE-TIMEThis field will contain the last date that the Nursing Acuity/ Separation-Activation Run has run. This is the Nursing Acuity/ Separation-Activation Run that calculates patient category totals.
6.4amis job completionDATE;2SET OF CODES0:NOT COMPLETED
Flag denoting whether or not the Nursing Acuity/Separation-Activation Run ran to completion.
6.5amis ward last processedDATE;3NUMERICThe ward that was last being processed by the Nursing Acuity/ Separation-Activation Run. This number is the variable NWARD in the routine NURAAU0, and corresponds to an internal entry number in the NURS Location file.
6.6amis patient last processedDATE;4NUMERICThe patient that was last being processed by the Nursing Acuity/ Separation-Activation Run. This number is the variable DFN in the routine NURAAU0, and it corresponds to the internal entry number in the Patient file.
6.8evening acuity completionDATE;6SET OF CODES0:NOT COMPLETED
Flag denoting whether or not the midnight batch job ran to completion. being processed by the midnight acuity batch job.
6.9evening ward last processedDATE;7NUMERICThe ward that was last being processed for midnights by the Nursing Acuity/ Separation-Activation Run. This number is the variable NWARD in the routine NURAMU0, and corresponds to an internal entry number in the NURS Location file.
6.91evening pt last processedDATE;8NUMERICThe patient that was last being processed for midnights by the Nursing Acuity/Separation-Activation Run. This number is the variable DFN in the routine NURAMU0, and it corresponds to the internal entry number in the Patient file.
6.92sep/act job completionDATE;9SET OF CODES0:NOT COMPLETED
This field indicates whether or not the Nursing Acuity/Separation- Activation Run has been completed.
6.93night acuity completionDATE;10SET OF CODES0:NOT COMPLETED
Flag denoting whether or not the the Nursing Acuity/Separation-Activation Run ran to completion.
6.94night ward last processedDATE;11NUMERICThe ward that was last being processed by the Nursing Acuity/Separation- Activation Run. This number is the variable NWARD in the routine NURAMB1, and corresponds to an internal entry number in the NURS Location File.
6.95night patient last processedDATE;12NUMERICThe patient that was last being processed by the Nursing Acuity/Separation- Activation Run. This number is the variable DFN in the routine NURAMB1, and it corresponds to the internal entry number in the patient file.
7.1day shift acuity time(+)0;4FREE TEXTThe time that the acuity totals will be calculated for the day shift for the current workload statistics report.
7.2evening shift acuity time(+)0;5FREE TEXTThe time that the acuity totals will be calculated for the evening shift for the current workload statistics report.
7.3night shift acuity time(+)0;6FREE TEXTThe time that the acuity totals will be calculated for the night shift for the AMIS and current workload statistics report.
8professional percentage(+)0;7NUMERICThis field defaults the percentage of professional personnel assigned to a unit if the professional percentage field is not defined in the NURS Location file. This data is used in the calculation of unit workload statistics.
8.1*manhours batch job statusMAN;0MULTIPLE213.9003This field contains the status of the Nursing Acuity/Separation-Activation Run for a specific date.
9*nurs versionVERSION;1NUMERICThis field indicates the version of the Nursing Service General Module (NURS) software.
9.1*nura versionVERSION;2NUMERICThe field indicates the version of the Nursing Administration (NURA) Package.
9.2*nure versionVERSION;3NUMERICThis field indicates the version of the Nursing Education (NURE) Package.
9.3*nurc versionVERSION;4NUMERICThis field indicates the version of the Nursing Clinical (NURC) Package.
10patient plan of care headerCPH;1FREE TEXTThe data in this field will allow the site to change the title of the report generated by the Patient Plan of Care, Print (NURCPP-CARE) option. (NURCPP-CARE) option. For example, the title, Nursing Care Plan, can be renamed to Patient Care Plan.
10.1patient problem headerCPH;2FREE TEXTThe data in this field allows the site to change the header, Patient Problem, for the report generated by the Patient Plan of Care, Print (NURCPP-CARE) option. If this field has no data, the Patient Problem heading will still print.
10.2goals/expected outcomes headerCPH;3FREE TEXTThe data in this field allows the site to change the Goals/Expected Outcomes heading on the report generated by the Patient Plan of Care, Print (NURCPP-CARE) option. If this field has no data then the heading Goals/ Expected Outcomes will be used. will be used.
10.3interventions/orders headerCPH;4FREE TEXTThe data in this field allows the site to change the Nursing Interventions/ Orders heading of the report generated by the Patient Plan of Care, Print (NURCPP-CARE) option. If this field has no data, then the Nursing Interventions/Orders heading will be used. Interventions/Orders heading will be used.
10.4default evaluation dateCPD;1FREE TEXTThe data in this field represents the default evaluation date displayed in the Patient Plan of Care, Edit (NURCPE-CARE) option when an evaluation date for a problem is edited. edited.
10.5default target dateCPD;2FREE TEXTThe data in this field represents the default target date displayed in the Patient Plan of Care, Edit (NURCPE-CARE) option. (NURCPE-CARE) option when an target date for a goal is edited.
11product line0;8BOOLEANY:YES
This field indicates whether or not FTEE data in the NURS Position Control file (#211.8) is associated with multiple services/product lines. 'YES' indicates that an FTEE can be associated with one of multiple services or product lines. 'NO' indicates that all FTEE is associated with Nursing Service.
This field indicates whether or not the facilty is multi-divisional. YES indicates that each nursing location may be associated with a separate and different division/institution. NO indicates that all locations are associated with a single institution.
55*automated mar batch ztskMAR;1NUMERICThis field contains the ZTSK number of the Automated MAR Pharmacy Extract Batch Job.
56acuity task numberDATE;13FREE TEXTThis field will contain a number if the patient acuity job is currently being calculated. If the NURAAM-ACU (tasked) option is running the number will be the task number. If the NURAAM-ACUMAN (manual) option is running the number will be '1'.

Not Referenced