This file contains a history of changes to key fields in the ED LOG file. When a record is first created in the ED LOG file, and each time that record is updated, a record is also created in this file that contains the values of the fields that actually changed. This gives a thorough history of what was changed when and by whom. A major purpose to the Emergency Department Tracking System is to measure how long it takes to do things. By keeping this history file, with all the time stamps, it is possible to generate a variety of reports. These include information such as wait times, lengths of visit, number of delayed visits, etc. The fields in this file correspond to the identically named fields in the ED LOG file (230). For more detail in the field description, please refer to the matching field in the ED LOG file.
.01log entry(+)0;1POINTER230BThis references an entry in the ED LOG file. Entries in this file record modifications to entries in the ED LOG file.
.02time(+)0;2DATE-TIMEThis is the time that the log record was modified.
.03entered by(+)0;3POINTER200This is the person who updated the log.
.04patient name0;4FREE TEXTIf updated, this is the updated value of the patient name.
.05patient ssn*0;5FREE TEXTIf updated, this is the updated value of the patient social security number.
.06patient id0;6POINTER2If updated, this is the updated value of the patient DFN.
.07complaint0;7FREE TEXTIf updated, this is the updated value of the complaint.
.071closed date/time3;10DATE-TIME
.072closed by3;11POINTER200
.073removed in error3;12BOOLEAN1:YES
.074restored by3;13POINTER200
.075restored date/time3;14DATE-TIME
.08time in0;8DATE-TIMEIf updated, this is the updated value of the arrival time of the patient.
.09time out0;9DATE-TIMEIf updated, this is the updated value of the departure time of the patient.
.1arrival mode0;10POINTER233.1If updated, this is the updated value of the source of the patient visit (came from nursing home, hospital ward, walk-in).
.11disposition0;11POINTER233.1If updated, this is the updated value of the disposition.
.12delay0;12POINTER233.1If updated, this is the updated value of the delay reason.
.14clinic0;14POINTER44If updated, this is the updated value of the clinic.
2complaint (long)2;1FREE TEXTIf updated, this is the updated value of the long complaint (the optional complaint that may be longer than the display board allows).
3.2status3;2POINTER233.1If updated, this is the updated value of the status.
3.3acuity3;3POINTER233.1If updated, this is the updated value of the acuity.
3.4loc3;4POINTER231.8If updated, this is the updated value of the room / area.
3.5md assigned3;5POINTER200If updated, this is the updated provider.
3.6nurse assigned3;6POINTER200If updated, this is the updated nurse.
3.7resident assigned3;7POINTER200If updated, this is the updated resident.
3.8comment3;8FREE TEXTIf updated, this is the updated comment.
9.1modified fields9;1FREE TEXTThis lists the fields that were modified in the corresponding ED LOG record at the time of this update. The list contains the field numbers and is semi-colon delimited.

Not Referenced