This file holds batch payments information. Payments no longer are posted directly to patient bills, but rather, entered into this file. Once the entries in this file are reconciled with cash on-hand and verified to be correct, they are then 'posted' to the patient bills. NOTICE: This file SHOULD NOT be edited directly via FileMan. Information in this file should only be modified via the AR package options. Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this file definition should not be modified.
.01receipt #(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field should reflect the field service receipt number. This field is assigned during entry of payments and will separate different types of payment (cash, check, or credit card) for a particular user for a given time-frame.
.02opened by(+)0;2POINTER200This field contains the name of the person who created the receipt.
.03date opened0;3DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time the receipt was created.
.04type of payment(+)0;4POINTER341.1A receipt is created for different types of payments, such as, Cash, Credit Card, or Check/Money Order. This field defines the types of payments that are stored under this receipt.
.05*queued to post0;5DATE-TIME***** This field is no longer used. *****
.06deposit ticket0;6POINTER344.1ADThe Date of Deposit defines the date that the payments received under this batch will be deposited to the bank.
.07processed by0;7POINTER200When a receipt is processed, the AR accounts are updated with the payments and the Cash Receipt documents are sent to FMS. This field tracks the user processing the receipt.
.08date/time processed0;8DATE-TIMEWhen a receipt is processed, the AR accounts are updated with the payments and the Cash Receipt documents are sent to FMS. This field tracks the date and time the receipt was processed.
.09*start date/time0;9DATE-TIME***** This field is no longer used. *****
.1*end date/time0;10DATE-TIME***** This field is no longer used. *****
.11last edited by0;11POINTER200This contains the name of the person who last edited the receipt entry. This field is automatically entered each time a person edits the receipt.
.12date/time last edit0;12DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time the receipt was last edited.
.14status(+)0;14SET OF CODES0:CLOSED
ASTATThis field stores the status of the receipt. An open receipt can be modified (payments added, cancelled, or edited). A closed receipt cannot be changed.
.15total amount of receiptsCOMPUTEDTotal of all payments in the receipt.
.16lockbox ach number0;16FREE TEXTNumber assigned by banking institution to track their electronic deposit for the V.A.
.17eft record0;17POINTER344.31AEFTIf this is the detail receipt for a payment made via an EFT, this is the pointer to the individual EFT that was received.
.18era reference0;18POINTER344.4This is the pointer to the ERA record that will be associated with this receipt.
1transaction1;0MULTIPLE344.01This multiple contains all the payment transactions within a receipt.
100*progressCOMPUTED***** This field is no longer used. *****
101number of transactionsCOMPUTEDTotal number of payment transactions recorded on a receipt.
200fms document number2;1FREE TEXTADOCThis field is used to store the FMS document number used to create the CR code sheets for this receipt.
201cr document entered on line2;2BOOLEAN1:YES
This field will override the status of a cash receipt document. If a cash receipt document is rejected, you can set this field to a 1 to show the document is entered on line.

Referenced by 5 types

  1. EDI THIRD PARTY EFT DETAIL (344.31) -- receipt #
  2. ELECTRONIC REMITTANCE ADVICE (344.4) -- receipt
  3. EDI LOCKBOX EOB WORKLIST (344.49) -- receipt #
  4. RCDPE SUSPENSE AUDIT (344.71) -- receipt #
  5. AR FMS DOCUMENT (347) -- receipt #