Warning: Do Not Re-Index this file. If this file should accidentally be re-indexed, use the option to Recompile All Forms. This will correct any printing problems that might occur. This file contains the description of encounter form blocks. A block is a rectangular areas on an encounter form. Blocks are the basic building unit of encounter forms. All data on a form is contained within a block and the block is sized and positioned to create a usable form.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTB The name of the block.
.02form(+)0;2POINTER357C The form the block appears on.
.04block's starting row(+)0;4NUMERICThe row on the encounter form that the block starts on.
.05block's starting column(+)0;5NUMERICThe column on the encounter form that the block starts on.
.06width in characters(+)0;6NUMERIC The width of the block, measured in the number of characters across.
.07height in lines(+)0;7NUMERIC The height of the block, measured by the number of lines it takes up.
.1outline type(+)0;10SET OF CODES1:SOLID LINE
How the block is outlined on the form.
.11block header0;11FREE TEXT The text appearing at the top of the block.
.12header appearance0;12FREE TEXT This field determines the appearance of the block's header.
.13brief description(+)0;13FREE TEXT A brief description of the contents or use of the block.
.14toolkit order0;14NUMERICA number>0 in this field means that the block is part of the toolkit. The value determines the order that the block will be listed to the screen that displays the toolkit blocks.
1compiled stringsS;0MULTIPLE357.11Contains a compiled list of the calls, along with the arguments, that should be made to the routine that prints strings to the form. Before printing, the block offset is added to the string position.
2compiled vertical linesV;0MULTIPLE357.12A compiled list of the vertical lines that are needed to print the block. The arguments to the routine that prints the line are included. The block's offset is must be added to the line's position.
3compiled bubblesB;0MULTIPLE357.13A compiled list of the bubbles appearing in the block. The arguments to the routine that prints the bubble are included. The block's offset must be added to the bubbles position.
4compiled hand print fieldsH;0MULTIPLE357.14A compiled list of the hand print fields appearing in the block. The arguments to the routine that prints the hand print fields are included. The block's offset must be added to the hand print field's position.

Referenced by 7 types

  1. SELECTION LIST (357.2) -- block
  2. DATA FIELD (357.5) -- block
  3. FORM LINE (357.7) -- block
  4. TEXT AREA (357.8) -- block
  5. MULTIPLE CHOICE FIELD (357.93) -- block
  6. IMP/EXP HAND PRINT FIELD (358.94) -- block
  7. HAND PRINT FIELD (359.94) -- block