This file contains the income certification data for patients for Beneficiary Travel claims, including amount certified, eligibility for for Bene. Travel, and means test status.
.01date certified(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBThis field contains the date of annual income certification used in the Beneficial Travel Claim process.
2name(+)0;2POINTER2CThis field points to the patient file and contains the IFN for the patient related to this Beneficiary Travel certification date.
This field is a set of codes (yes or no) indicating whether this person is eligible for Beneficiary Travel.
4amount certified0;4NUMERICThis field is to be used to record the annual income reported by the patient.
5edited by0;5POINTER200This field is a pointer to the new person file and contains the IFN of the person who last edited this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
6last edited0;6DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date this Beneficiary Travel Certification entry was last edited on.
11address line [1]A;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the first line of the address associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
12address line [2]A;2FREE TEXTThis field contains the second line of the address associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
13address line [3]A;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the third line of the address associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certifiction date/time.
14cityA;4FREE TEXTThis field contains the free text 2-30 character name of the City associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
15stateA;5POINTER5This field points to the State File and contains the IFN of the State associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
16zipA;6FREE TEXTThis field contains the 5-digit zip code associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
17county codeA;7FREE TEXTThis field contains three numeric characters in length for the County Code associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
18means test statusA;8FREE TEXTThis field contains the Means Test Status associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.
19primary eligibilityA;9FREE TEXTThis field contains the primary eligibility associated with this Beneficiary Travel Certification date/time.

Referenced by 1 types

  1. BENEFICIARY TRAVEL CLAIM (392) -- certification date