This file defines each data segment currently supported by PDX. Global format of Extraction Array: Root@("VALUE",file,field,sequence number)=value Root@("ID",file,field,sequence number)=identifier Extraction methods must account for data encryption. Display methods must take the output of their associated extraction method as input. Global format of Display Array: Root@("DISPLAY",line number,0)=information displayed on specified line number of screen Methods must use the following parameters (where needed): ROOT - Where to store the information (full global reference) DFN - Internal file number for requested patient (pointer to PATIENT File) SEGPTR - Internal file number of segment (pointer to VAQ - DATA SEGMENT File) XTRCT - Where the extracted information resides (full global reference) OFFSET - Where line numbering should begin from TIMLIM - Time limit to apply to extraction OCCLIM - Occurrence limit to apply to extraction Methods must return the following: 0 - Extraction was successful (if an Extraction Array was returned) n - Number of lines in display (if a Display Array was returned) -1^ErrorText - Method was not successful Sample methods: $$EXTRACT^VAQZZZ(DFN,SEGPTR,TIMLIM,OCCLIM,ROOT,OFFSET) - Display Array is returned $$EXTRACT^VAQZZZ(DFN,SEGPTR,TIMLIM,OCCLIM,ROOT) - Extraction Array is returned $$DISPLAY^VAQZZZ(XTRCT,SEGPTR,ROOT,OFFSET) - Display Array, built from input extraction array, is returned Sample use: S ROOT="^TMP(""VAQ"","_$J_")" S SEGPTR=internal file number for segment S DFN=internal file number of patient S TIMLIM=time limit to use when extracting segment (if applicable) S OCCLIM=occurrence limit to use when extracting segment (if applicable) X ("S X="_^VAT(394.71,SEGPTR,"XRTN")) The variable X is now set to the proper exit code (X<0 on error)
.01data segment name(+)0;1FREE TEXTB Name of the data segment.
.02abbreviation0;2FREE TEXTCAbbreviation for the data segment.
.03extract is display ready0;3BOOLEAN1:YES
Set to YES if the Extraction Method returns information in display ready format (returns Display Array instead of Extraction Array). Set to NO if Extraction Method does not (returns Extraction Array).
.04health summary component0;4POINTER142.1 Set to the Health Summary Component that this data segment is associated with. Leave blank if data segment is not a Health Summary Component.
.05maximum time limit0;5FREE TEXT Maximum time limit facility will allow when automatically processing a PDX Request with this segment
.06maximum occurrence limit0;6NUMERIC Maximum occurrence limit facility will allow when automatically processing a PDX Request with this segment
10extraction methodXRTN;E1,240FREE TEXTFunction call to extract data segment.
20display methodDRTN;E1,240FREE TEXTFunction call to display data segment. This field is not used when the Extraction Method returns information in display ready format.

Referenced by 1 types

  1. VAQ - DATA (394.62) -- segment