Bulletins are 'Super' messages. Each Bulletin has a text and a subject just like a normal message. But embedded within either the subject or the text can be variable fields that can be filled in with parameters. There is also a standard set of recipients in the form of a Mail Group that is associated with the bulletin. Bulletins are processed by MailMan either because of a special cross reference type of FileMan or because of a direct call in a routine. The interface for the direct call is described in the documentation on programmer entry points. FileMan sets up code that will issue a bulletin automatically when the special cross reference type is created. In either case the parameters that go into the text and/or the subject make each bulletin unique.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field is the name of the bulletin, in the standard format of a two character package prefix, followed by a descriptive name.
2subject(+)0;2FREE TEXTThis is the subject of the bulletin, as it will appear to the recipient. Note that it may contain windows, just as in the "MESSAGE" field.
4mail group2;0MULTIPLE3.62This is a list of the mail groups to which this bulletin will be directed when triggered. If no mail groups are defined, or they point to no users, then the bulletin is ignored.
5retention days0;3NUMERICAfter this number of days, if the bulletin hasn't already been purged, it will be purged by the XMAUTOPURGE option. If zero or null, the bulletin will not have a purge date, and will not be purged by XMAUTOPURGE.
6description3;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field is a description of the bulletin, for documentation purposes. It is not used by MailMan for any automatic processing.
10message1;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis holds the "canned" text of the bulletin which will be sent when the bulletin is fired. Variable text may be stored in parameters at the time of firing, then inserted in the message text. Parameter windows are defined by putting them within vertical bars, with the parameter number inside. For example, "Appointment for |1| on |2| has been cancelled." with parameter 1 set to "Jones", and parameter 2 set to "Monday" would generate a bulletin of "Appointment for Jones on Monday has been cancelled." Parameters may be set with fileman (in the Bulletin cross reference) or by programmers from within programs.
11parameter4;0MULTIPLE3.64This defines the parameters, which will be used to set information into the bulletin.
If you want this bulletin to appear to the recipients as a priority message, enter 'yes'; if not, enter 'no'.

Referenced by 1 types

  1. OPTION (19) -- server bulletin