Files > FILTER

.01filter0;1FREE TEXTBThis is the name of your filter. The filter is used by MailMan to determine into which basket to place a message. Messages can be filtered based on up to three criteria which must all be true: - Subject contains - Message is from - Message is to For example, if you specify 'subject contains' and 'message is from', the filter takes effect only if the subject contains the string you specify AND the message is from the person you specify. If you wish the filter to take effect upon 'subject contains' OR 'message is from' you must create two filters, one with 'subject contains', and the other with 'message is from'. Filtering takes place during message delivery and can also be selected as a basket action. The filter is ignored during delivery under the following conditions: - The message already exists in one of your baskets. - The message is from you, and you specified a basket (other than the IN basket) at the transmit prompt. - The sender has specified a delivery basket and you have allowed it.
1order(+)0;2NUMERICThis is the order in which you wish to have your filters checked. A message may match several filters, depending on the conditions you have set. It is here that you specify relative filter priority. If several filters have the same order, then the first one you entered receives priority. If you aren't sure, enter 100. You can always change it later.
2basket(+)0;3FREE TEXTCThis is the basket you want any messages to go into if they match all of the conditions you specify for this filter. The basket may not be the "IN" basket, because that is the default basket. The basket must exist (or be created) at the time you specify it. You may delete this basket later. If a message filters to this basket, and the basket does not exist, the basket will be created.
3status(+)0;4SET OF CODES0:OFF
If the filter is active, it will be used. If the filter is not active, it will be ignored.
4subject contains0;5FREE TEXTIf the subject contains the string you specify AND if the message matches the other conditions (if any), then the message matches this filter. The subject is capitalized automatically to facilitate filtering.
5from0;6FREE TEXTThis is the person who sent the message. If it's a local person, just enter the name. If it's a remote person, enter name@site. MailMan will match any sender whose name contains 'name' and whose site contains 'site'. 'Name' may be null, in which case, MailMan will match any sender whose site contains 'site'. 'Site' may be null, in which case, MailMan will match any sender whose name contains 'name'. In any event, the string must be from 2 to 45 characters and must contain '@'. If it's a local message from a VISTA package/fake sender, put '@' at the end, like ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE@ The sender's name is capitalized automatically to facilitate filtering. For this filter to activate, its STATUS must be on, this condition and the other conditions (if any) must match the message, and it must be the first filter (as controlled by its ORDER) to match the message. Finally, filtering must be turned on.
6addressed to0;7FREE TEXTEnter the person or group to whom the message is addressed. If the person is remote, enter name@site. MailMan will match any sender whose name contains 'name' and whose site contains 'site'. 'name' or 'site' may be null. The addressee's name may be automatically capitalized to facilitate filtering. MailMan will check the addressees that you see when you Query (Q) the message. MailMan will NOT check the expanded list of addresses that you see when you Query Detailed (QD) the message. For this filter to activate, its STATUS must be on, this condition and the other conditions (if any) must match the message, and it must be the first filter (as controlled by its ORDER) to match the message. Finally, filtering must be turned on.
7vaporize days0;8NUMERICThe message will be set to vaporize (be deleted from your mailbox) this many days after it is delivered to you. This date will override any vaporize date set by the sender. You will be able to change or delete the vaporize date at the message action prompt whenever you read the message. If this field is null, the filter will not set any vaporize date. This will only apply to new messages and responses which are put into your mailbox (includes moving from the WASTE basket) as a result of delivery or latering. It won't apply to messages which are already in your mailbox. It won't apply when you filter messages which are already in your mailbox.
8deliver new?0;9BOOLEANY:YES
If you don't answer, or delete the answer, the default is YES. YES means that the message will be delivered as usual, and made new as usual. NO means that the message will be delivered as usual, but it won't be made new, so you won't know it's arrived unless you check. This will only apply to new messages which you have not seen before. It won't apply to responses or forwarded messages with responses. It won't apply when you filter messages which are already in your mailbox.
9forward to1;0MULTIPLE3.7159

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