This file holds the names of all groups known to MailMan, and their members.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThe name of a mail group, i.e. a list of recipients who can all be addressed at once by reference to this name.
2member1;0MULTIPLE3.81A member of a Mail Group is a user to whom messages will be sent when the message is addressed to this mail group.
3description2;0WORD-PROCESSINGThe definition and/or purpose of this mail group.
4type(+)0;2SET OF CODESPU:public
The type of mail group determines who can send mail to it. Provided there are no AUTHORIZED SENDERS specified, anyone can send mail to a public group and only its members can send mail to a private group. If there are AUTHORIZED SENDERS specified, only those users can address the group.
5organizer3;1POINTER200The user who has the privileges of an "Organizer" for the mail group. For example, an organizer can add new members to a "Private" mail group.
5.1coordinator0;7POINTER200ACThis field is used as a screen when a user tries to edit a mail group that he is a coordinator of. If the screen fails and the user does not hold the XMMGR key, he cannot edit the mail group. Even if the coordinator is REMOVED from the Mail System, this field will remain to indicate who created the Mail Group if others can use it. If it is a Personal Group, it will be deleted.
6authorized sender4;0MULTIPLE3.802If you wish to restrict this mail group to only a limited set of senders, name them in this field. If no names are entered here, then it is assumed that anyone may send mail to this group (if public), or only members may send to it (if private). If a user attempts to send mail to a group which has one or more authorized senders, but is not an authorized sender, then he is shown a list of authorized senders. He may send the message to them, and they may forward it, if desired. NOTE: Remote users may not send mail to any local group which has authorized senders
7allow self enrollment?0;3BOOLEANy:YES
If this field is set to "YES", then users may use the JOIN option to make themselves members of the group, or to drop their names from the group. This option is only operative with public groups.
8reference count0;4NUMERICThis is a count of the number of times this mailgroup has been used as a recipient of a message. This will help site managers monitor the activity of mail groups.
9last referenced0;5DATE-TIMEThis is the date on which this mail group was last referenced.
This field is only applicable for PRIVATE mail groups. It is ignored for PUBLIC mail groups. This field controls who may address (send messages to) this PRIVATE mail group. If 0 (zero) or null, then the group is unrestricted, and all members may address the group. If 1, then only the organizer may address the group. The group is a personal group. Note that non-members cannot address private mail groups.
11member groups5;0MULTIPLE3.811Member Groups are mail groups that are members of this mail group. When a Mail Group is made a member of another in this fashion, the individuals of it are added to the mailing list at delivery time.
12members - remote6;0MULTIPLE3.812This multiple contains remote addresses or local devices or local servers. The input to the field is checked for validity at the time it is entered. If the address BECOMES INCORRECT MailMan will try to inform a responsible person of the non-delivery of a message.
13distribution list7;0MULTIPLE3.813This field will allow distribution lists to be included in Mail Groups. In this way a message that must be sent to the same name at many domains may easily be included in the recipient chain of a message.
14fax recipient8;0MULTIPLE3.814
15fax group9;0MULTIPLE3.815

Referenced by 42 types

  1. MASTER FILE PARAMETERS (4.001) -- mail group
  2. PACKAGE (9.4) -- mail group
  3. DUPLICATE RESOLUTION (15.1) -- duplicate manager mail group, verified duplicate mail group, merge mail group
  4. OPTION (19) -- server mail group
  5. PRF LOCAL FLAG (26.11) -- review mail group
  6. PRF NATIONAL FLAG (26.15) -- review mail group
  7. MAS PARAMETERS (43) -- appt. update mail group, npcdb mail group, late activity mail group, api errors mail group, death group, new patient group, name change group, ssn change group, unverified admit group, inconsistency edit group, non-veteran admit group, overdue absences group, patient deleted group, sensitive rec accessed group, sensitivity removed group, auto recalc group, means test required group, irt short form list group, *ub82 cancellation mailgroup, *ub82 disapproved mailgroup
  8. DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY STATS (58.8) -- adjustment mail group
  9. INPATIENT WARD PARAMETERS (59.6) -- stat now mail group
  10. LAB SEARCH/EXTRACT PROTOCOL (69.4) -- report mail group
  11. SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS (133) -- code issue mail group
  12. HEALTH SUMMARY PARAMETERS (142.99) -- error message recipient
  13. SCD SITE PARAMETERS (154.91) -- sci notification mail group, ms notification mail group
  14. RECORD TRACKING APPLICATION (195.1) -- missing record mail group, clinic requests mail group, cancelation mail group
  15. IVM SITE PARAMETER (301.9) -- ivm messages mail group, enrollment alert mail group
  16. AR SITE PARAMETER (342) -- mail group
  17. AR TRANSMISSION RECORDS (349) -- local mailgroup
  18. IB SITE PARAMETERS (350.9) -- copay background error group, means test billing mail group, copay exemption mail group, bill cancellation mailgroup, bill disapproved mailgroup, new insurance mail group, unbilled mail group, general error msg mail group, comm err msg mail group, messages mailgroup
  19. ENCOUNTER FORM PARAMETERS (357.09) -- purge notification mail group
  20. IB MESSAGE ROUTER (364.3) -- mailgroup to notify
  21. PFSS SITE PARAMETERS (372) -- mail group for service master, mail group for charge
  22. HINQ SUSPENSE (395.5) -- recipient
  23. SCHEDULING PARAMETER (404.91) -- reassignment mail group
  24. PRC IFCAP MESSAGE ROUTER (423.5) -- mailgroup
  25. Instrument HL7 Coding (690.7) -- mail group for errors
  26. CP INSTRUMENT (702.09) -- notification mailgroup
  27. QUALITY ASSURANCE SITE PARAMETERS (740) -- ews local mail group, mail group (irm), mail group (qan)
  28. QA MONITOR (743) -- bulletin mail group
  29. HL7 NON-DHCP APPLICATION PARAMETER (770) -- mail group
  30. HL7 APPLICATION PARAMETER (771) -- mail group
  32. CLINICAL REMINDER PARAMETERS (800) -- reminder management mailgroup
  33. HL LOWER LEVEL PROTOCOL PARAMETER (869.2) -- mail group
  34. HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS (869.3) -- mail group
  35. HL LOGICAL LINK (870) -- mail group
  36. WII PARAMETERS (987.6) -- facility reviewer mail group
  37. CIRN REPOSITORY SITE PARAMETER (990.8) -- package manager mail group
  38. CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION TYPE (991.11) -- mail group
  39. CIRN SITE PARAMETER (991.8) -- new request mailgroup
  40. VBECS SITE PARAMETERS (6000) -- vbecs mail group
  41. RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETERS (8994.1) -- mail group for alerts
  42. A&SP SITE PARAMETERS (509850.8) -- *workload mail group