.01recipient0;1FREE TEXTCThe name of a recipient of this message.
1last response read0;2NUMERICThe last response which this recipient read. It actually points into 3.9001, the Response multiple for this message.
2last read date/time0;3DATE-TIMEThe date and time this recipient last read this message.
3remote message id0;4FREE TEXTThe identifier of the message at the remote location. Format: message ID@site
4transmission date/time0;5DATE-TIMEThe date and time the remote message was transmitted.
5status0;6FREE TEXTThis field holds the status of the recipient, if the recipient is other than a local user. If this is a device, the status is "Awaiting Device" until the device has printed the message. If this is a server, the status will be "Awaiting Server" until the server has read the message. In either of the above cases, the status becomes "done" when the process is complete, and "Last read" field describes when the process was complete. If the recipient is a remote user, the status is "awaiting transmission" and the Path field names the queue in which the message is waiting. When the message has been sent, the Transmission date is set, the remote message ID is set to the other domain's message number (providing bi-directional linkage of messages), and the Path field is cleared.
6path0;7POINTER4.2AQUEUEThis field points to the queue in which this message resides. After transmission, the REMOTE MESSAGE ID field holds the message number and site to which the message was transmitted (which may be only a relay point).
6.5type of recipientT;1SET OF CODESC:cc
This field indicates what type of recipient this is. CC: indicates that the recipient is being sent a copy, but is not the primary recipient. He may reply. INFO: indicates that the recipient may not reply to the message; the message is being transmitted to him for information purposes only. These flags are set by the "Send to:" prompt by including them before a recipient name. "CC:JONES" would put JONES on the CC: list. These flags are set by the "Send to:" prompt by including them before a message: "CC:JONES" would put JONES on the CC: list.
6.6approvalT;2FREE TEXTThis field is set whenever the the recipient is named as a THRU: type, and issues the approval command after reading it.
7termination dateD;1DATE-TIMEThis field, if set, inhibits MailMan from sending future replies to this message, allowing him to "drop out" of a conversation. This is accomplished with the "Terminate" option. This field is displayed whenever a recipient queries the message. The drop-outs will have the notation "Terminated: mm/dd/yy" in their status line.
8forwarded byF;1FREE TEXTWhen a message is forwarded to another user, this field names the person who did the forwarding, along with the date and time that this was done. It is displayed in the query option after reading.
8.01forwarded by (xmduz)F;2POINTER200This field uses the XMDUZ variable to identify the user who forwarded the message.
8.02fwd typeF;3SET OF CODESF:Filter-Forward
Regular-Forward - A user simply forwarded this message to the recipient in the .01 field. This is the default, if this field is null. Auto-Forward - A user has a forwarding address listing the recipient in the .01 field. This message was sent to the user and then automatically forwarded to the recipient. Filter-Forward - A user has an active message filter listing the recipient in the .01 field as a "forward to" person. This message was sent to the user and then automatically forwarded to the recipient during message delivery.
8.03fwd by originalF;4FREE TEXTThis field is only used if FWD TYPE is Auto-Forward. This field lists the original user (and possibly the user's surrogate) who forwarded the message to the user with the forwarding address.
8.04fwd type originalF;5SET OF CODESF:Filter-Forward
This field is only used if FWD TYPE is Auto-Forward. This field reveals how the message was forwarded to the user who had the forwarding address listing the recipient in the .01 field. Regular-Forward - A user simply forwarded this message to the user with the forwarding address. This is the default, if this field is null. Filter-Forward - A user has an active message filter listing the user with the forwarding address as a "forward to" person. This message was sent to the user and then automatically forwarded to the user during message delivery. Note that Auto-Forward is not a possibility, because Auto-Forward is allowed only to remote recipients or to devices or servers.
8.5copied date/timeC;1FREE TEXTWhen a message is copied by a user, this field indicates the date and time at which this was done. It is displayed in the query option after reading the message.
9network transmission time0;8NUMERICThis field records the elapsed time (in seconds) during a network transmission.
10priority responses?0;9SET OF CODES0:YES
This field overrides the MESSAGE TYPE field in the zero node of the message, but only if it contains a "P". In this way, some recipients can keep receiving responses to a 'Priority Message' as priority mail, while others may choose not to. One cannot, however, force the responses of an ordinary message to be delivered as 'Priority Mail'.
11first read date/time0;10DATE-TIMEInto this field is set the date and time that a message was first seen by the recipient.
12surrogate readerS;1FREE TEXTThis is the name of the surrogate who last read this message.
13fax recipient0;11POINTER589499AFAXWhen the message is addressed to a fax recipient, this field points to the fax rolodex file. After the message is handed off to the fax software, the pointer in this field is deleted and the Fax ID field is set to the fax ID number assigned to it by the fax software.
14fax id0;12FREE TEXTThis is the fax ID as assigned by the fax software (AKF*).
15filter forward0;13NUMERICThis is the IEN of the user's filter which was activated during message delivery. The filter indicates that this message should be forwarded to the addressees listed in the FORWARD TO multiple of the activated filter. If this field is set to zero, the message has been forwarded.

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