This file contains Conversion Specification Templates (CST) that are used by the ACRP Database Conversion (SD*5.3*137). These templates allow management of the conversion process to meet the needs of the individual site. Each template contains the following: 1) Start and End dates for encounters to be converted 2) Event logs (estimate, convert, re-convert) 3) Action logs (schedule, stop, re-start) 4) Error logs 5) Conversion event start/stop parameters 6) Estimate statistics 7) Record creation statistics The database conversion logic utilizes and updates the information stored in each CST.
.01number(+)0;1NUMERICBThis field contains the CST number. It is the primary key to this file.
TYPThis field contains the type of template entry. (Currently, only the 'ENCOUNTER' type is used.)
.03start date(+)0;3DATE-TIMECThis field contains the user specified start date for encounters to be converted by this CST.
.04end date(+)0;4DATE-TIMEThis field contains the user specified end date for encounters to be converted by this CST.
.05last log event0;5SET OF CODES0:ESTIMATE
This field contains the last event logged for this CST.
.06bulletin upon completion0;6BOOLEAN0:NO
This field indicates whether or not a user requested a bulletin to be sent at the completion of a specified event.
.07last log event status0;7SET OF CODES1:PENDING
This field is triggered by the EVENT field of the CST EVENT sub-file. It contains the last event status for this CST.
.08last log request action0;8SET OF CODES1:SCHEDULE
This field contains the last action request for this CST.
.09conversion canceled0;9BOOLEAN0:NO
This field indicates that the CST has been canceled when set to 'YES'.
1.01last entry processed1;1NUMERICThis field contains the last entry converted by the CST. If the conversion process is interrupted or stopped, this field is used to determine where to re-start the CST. For the 'Encounter' type CST, this field will be the Outpatient Encounter IEN of the last entry successfully converted. This field is not filled in until all processing of the encounter has taken place.
1.02number of entries1;2NUMERICThis field contains the number of entries converted by this CST. It is incremented each time an entry is successfully converted.
1.03task #1;3NUMERICThis field contains the TaskMan task number of current event for this CST. If the task is completed or stopped this field is deleted.
1.04volume set1;4FREE TEXTThis field is used to determine if the last TaskMan task number assigned is active so more than one conversion job doesn't run at a time for the CST. This value is used as input to STAT^%ZTLOAD. The results are used to determine if the task is active or not.
1.05total errors logged1;5NUMERICThe total # of errors logged for this CST. This number is reset on reconvert to 0.
2.01number of add/edits found2;1NUMERICThis field contains the total number of add/edits found by the estimator for this CST.
2.02number of ancillaries found2;2NUMERICThis field contains the number of ancillaries visits associated with appointments found by the estimator for this CST.
2.03number of appointments found2;3NUMERICThis field contains the number of appointments found by the estimator for this CST.
2.04number of credit stops found2;4NUMERICThis field contains the number of credit stops associated with appointments found by the estimator for this CST.
2.05number of dispositions found2;5NUMERICThis field contains the number of dispositions found by the estimator for this CST.
2.06records not converted2;6NUMERICThis is the total # of records not converted by this CST due to errors or missing data.
2.07number of encounters2;7NUMERICThis field contains the number of records that will be created in the OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER (#409.68) file by this CST, as determined by the estimator.
2.08number of visits2;8NUMERICThis field contains the number of records that will be created in the VISIT (#9000010) file by this CST, as determined by the estimator.
2.09number of v providers2;9NUMERICThis field contains the number of PCE provider records that will be created in the V PROVIDER (#9000010.06) file by this CST, as determined by the estimator.
2.1number of v povs2;10NUMERICThis field contains the number of PCE diagnosis records that will be created in the V POV (#9000010.07) file by this CST, as determined by the estimator.
2.11number of v cpts2;11NUMERICThis field contains the number of PCE procedure records that will be created in the V CPT (#9000010.18) file by this CST, as determined by the estimator.
25request logR;0MULTIPLE404.9825This sub-file contains the request action log for events executed for this CST.
50error logERROR;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains any errors encountered while processing the CST events.
75event logE;0MULTIPLE404.9875This sub-file contains information about the events which took place for this CST.
207sce global estimateCOMPUTEDThis computed field provides an estimate on how much disk space will be required for OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER (#409.68)records created or modified by this CST. The records are stored in the ^SCE global. The formula used is the following: NUMBER OF ENCOUNTERS TO BE CREATED * SCE BLOCKS PER NEW RECORD + ((NUMBER OF VISITS TO BE CREATED - NUMBER OF ENOCUNTERS TO BE CREATED) * SCE BLOCKS PER UPDATED RECORD)
208aupnvsit global estimateCOMPUTEDThis computed field provides an estimate on how much disk space will be required for VISIT (#9000010) records created by this CST. The records are stored in the ^AUPNVSIT global. The formula used is the following: NUMBER OF VISITS TO BE CREATED * AUPNVSIT BLOCKS PER NEW RECORD
209aupnvprv global estimateCOMPUTEDThis computed field provides an estimate on how much disk space will be required for V PROVIDER (#9000010.06) records created by this CST. The records are stored in the ^AUPNVPRV global. The formula used is the following: NUMBER OF V PROVIDERs TO BE CREATED * AUPNVPRV BLOCKS PER NEW RECORD
210aupnvpov global estimateCOMPUTEDThis computed field provides an estimate on how much disk space will be required for V POV (#9000010.07) records created by this CST. The records are stored in the ^AUPNVPOV global. The formula used is the following: NUMBER OF V POVs TO BE CREATED * AUPNVPOV BLOCKS PER NEW RECORD
211aupnvcpt global estimateCOMPUTEDThis computed field provides an estimate on how much disk space will be required for V CPT (#9000010.18) records created by this CST. The records are stored in the ^AUPNVCPT global. The formula used is the following: NUMBER OF V CPTs TO BE CREATED * AUPNVCPT BLOCKS PER NEW RECORD

Not Referenced