This is the main file in the Control Point Activity package. It contains information concerning each and every control point transaction. There are four basic transaction types: Ceiling, Obligation, Adjustment and Cancelled. Each transaction type has a set of fields in this file that relate to it. Some fields relate to all four transaction types. This file should only be edited through the Control Point Activity package. *********DO NOT RE-INDEX THIS FILE**********
.01transaction number(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis is a permanent transaction number (alpha/numeric) used by the Control Point Clerk or Official, as well as A&MM and Fiscal to identify and track the request. It is built from both the information the user enters and the sequence number (e.g., 610-90-1-004-1234) assigned by the computer. 610 = Station Number; 90 = Fiscal Year; 1 = Quarter; 044 = Fund Control Point; 1234 = Sequence Number assigned by computer.
.5station number0;5FREE TEXTThis is the abbreviation for the station performing the transaction. It is supplied by the user who initiates the request.
1transaction type(+)0;2SET OF CODESC:CEILING
A one- or two-letter code selected from a set of Supply codes that provides information concerning the vendor size and type of competition sought on a purchase order.
2temporary trans. number0;3FREE TEXTThis is a temporary transaction number (beginning with an alpha character) assigned to a request by a Control Point Requestor. The Control Point Clerk/Official decides whether to make the transaction number permanent. e.g., CRAIG-12
3form type(+)0;4POINTER410.5This allows the user to specify what kind of goods or services is being ordered on the request. No Form may be specified to account for money committed by a Control Point on a manual form (not on IFCAP). The following Form Types may be selected: Non-Repetitive (2237) Order; Repetitive (PR Card) Order; Repetitive and Non-Rep Order; and Issue Book/Interval Issue. For version 5.0 and later, the NO FORM type is no longer valid.
3.1interval issue?0;7BOOLEAN1:YES
This allows the user to specify (by entering Yes/No) whether the request for items in the Warehouse is an Interval Issue. i.e., Items requested between scheduled posted stock delivery, rather than a regularly scheduled Issue Book order.
3.2month of 13580;8NUMERICThis is the month for which the 1358 is entered.
4inventory distribution point0;6POINTER445AOThis is an entity that wants to maintain a perpetual inventory, automate their item distribution function, and automatically generate stock replenishment orders based on inventory needs. There are three types: Warehouses; Primary Distribution Point; and Secondary Distribution Point.
5date of request1;1DATE-TIMEThis is the date this request was submitted by the requestor.
6service start date1;6DATE-TIMEThis is the starting date of the service(s) for this obligation.
6.3requesting service3;5POINTER49This is the name of the service that submitted this request.
6.5service end date1;7DATE-TIMEThis is the ending date of the service(s) for this obligation.
7date required(+)1;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date by which the item(s) requested are needed.
7.5priority of request1;3SET OF CODESEM:EMERGENCY
This is the urgency or priority for this request.
8classification of request1;5POINTER410.2This Classification of Request field allows you to classify and/or categorize all transactions (requests) for supplies, services, etc. This is the previous 'Type of Request" field.
9special remarksRM;0WORD-PROCESSINGThese are special remarks regarding this request.
10itemIT;0MULTIPLE410.02This is the item(s) being ordered on this request.
11vendor(+)2;1FREE TEXTEThis is the name of the vendor for the items ordered on the request.
11.1vendor address12;2FREE TEXTThis is the first line of the vendor address.
11.2vendor address22;3FREE TEXTThis is the second line of the vendor address (if applicable).
11.3vendor address32;4FREE TEXTThis is the third line of the vendor address (if applicable).
11.4vendor address42;5FREE TEXTThis is the fourth line of the vendor address (if applicable).
11.5vendor city2;6FREE TEXTThis is the city in the vendor address.
11.6vendor state2;7POINTER5This is the state in the vendor address.
11.7vendor zip code2;8FREE TEXTThis is a 5 or 9 digit zip code in the vendor address.
11.8vendor contact2;9FREE TEXTThis is the name of the contact person for information from this vendor.
11.9vendor phone no.2;10FREE TEXTThis is the phone number of the contact person for this vendor.
12vendor(pointer)3;4POINTER440This is the name of the vendor for the items on this request.
13vendor contract number3;10FREE TEXTThis is the vendor contract number.
15control point(+)3;1FREE TEXTANThis is the division of monies to a specified service, activity, or purpose from an appropriation.
15.5cost center(+)3;3FREE TEXTACThis is a subdivision of a Fund Control Point that tells which service/section is being charged for a request/order.
16sub-control point12;0MULTIPLE410.04This is a subdivision of the Control Point for the division of funds by section, unit of service, clinic or major 'product line'.
17boc1(+)3;6FREE TEXTADThis is a budget object code (BOC) for the transaction.
17.5boc1 $ amount(+)3;7NUMERICThis is the dollar amount applied to the budget object code.
18boc23;8FREE TEXTAPThis is the second budget object code for the transaction (if applicable).
18.5boc2 $ amount3;9NUMERICThis is the dollar amount applied to this budget object code (if applicable).
19authority11;4POINTER410.9This is the officially approved authority for use of a 1358 document. You can only select active authorities.
19.1sub authority11;5POINTER410.9This is the officially approved sub-authority for use of a 1358 document. You can only select active sub-authorities for the authority you selected.
20committed (estimated) cost(+)4;1NUMERICThis is the estimated amount of the committed cost of the requested item(s).
21date committed(+)4;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date money was committed for this request.
22obligated (actual) cost(+)4;3NUMERICThis is the obligated (actual) cost amount from the purchase order.
23date obligated4;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date that the funds were obligated for this transaction.
24purchase order/obligation no4;5FREE TEXTDThis is the purchase order/obligation/reference number for this transaction.
25adjustment $ amount(+)4;6NUMERICThis is the adjustment dollar amount for this obligation transaction.
25.5adjust cp balance only4;14BOOLEANN:NO
This is used for adjust transactions only.
26date obl adjusted4;7DATE-TIMEThis is the date this obligation transaction was adjusted.
27transaction $ amount4;8NUMERICThis is the transaction dollar amount.
28accounting data3;2FREE TEXTThese are the appropriate accounting symbols for this transaction originating from Fiscal Service.
28.1fcp/prj3;12FREE TEXTThis is the fund control point/project number.
28.5bbfy(+)3;11DATE-TIMEThis is the beginning budget fiscal year.
29obligated by4;9POINTER200This is the person who obligated the transaction.
29.5obligation validation code4;10FREE TEXTThis is the code created for the record at the time that the obligating official entered their electronic signature, which replaces the written signature required on the IFCAP document. The Obligation Validation Code is encrypted to prevent unauthorized use.
29.6obligation validation version4;11NUMERICThis is the version number of the algorithms used for encoding and decoding the Obligation Validation Code for the record.
29.7obligation signature block4;12FREE TEXTThis is the printed form of the name of the official who authorized the obligation transaction. It is printed on documents along with a notation which indicates that the obligation was approved by electronic signature.
29.8obligation val code date/time4;13DATE-TIMEThis is the date and time that a valid electronic signature was entered authorizing the obligation transaction.
30fms $ amount(+)5;1NUMERICThis is the FMS dollar amount for the adjustment.
31fms date(+)5;2DATE-TIMEThis is the obligation date for this transaction.
32fms transaction type5;3FREE TEXTThis is the code identifying the transaction.
32.1calm trans computed codeCOMPUTEDThis is the computed code for the request. CALM (Centralized Accounting for Local Management) reports are processed in Austin from input received from the VA Medical Centers.
33end date for 13585;4DATE-TIMEThis field is the ending date for the 1358 Obligation, used when the length of the service contract extends over a period greater than one month. It is used by Fiscal service at the time of obligation. When used in conjunction with the Auto Accrue flag, the ending date will be used to determine the monthly accrual.
34auto accrue5;5BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is used by Fiscal service to indicate whether a 1358 Obligation should be accrued in FMS.
35ceiling $ amount(+)6;1NUMERICThis is the dollar ceiling amount for this request.
36date allocated6;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date that the funds are allocated for this request.
37fund control point dist. no6;3FREE TEXTThis is the Fund Control Point Distribution Number. This number is the Transaction Number from the Fund Distribution file, #421. The Transaction Number is composed of SITE, FY (Fiscal Year), and Sequential Number. The number used here is the Sequential Number, a four (4) digit number, beginning at 0001.
38temp cp ref#6;4FREE TEXTKThis field is used for lookups of temporary transactions by the control point clerk.
39accountable officer7;11POINTER200This field holds the pointer to the accountable officer name in the New Person file. This field is displayed on 2237 transactions.
40requestor7;1POINTER200This is the name of the individual printed on the 2237 form as the initiator of the request.
41requestor's title7;2FREE TEXTThis is the title of the requestor of this transaction.
42approving official7;3POINTER200This is the name of the approving official who will be signing the request.
43appr. official's title7;4FREE TEXTThis is the title of the approving official for this request.
44date signed (approved)7;5DATE-TIMEThis is the date the request was signed (approved).
44.5validation code7;6FREE TEXTThis is the electronic signature code of the approving official for this request. It replaces the written signature required on the IFCAP document. The electronic signature code is encrypted to prevent unauthorized use.
44.55validation version7.1;3NUMERICThis is the version number of the algorithms used to encode and decode the Validation Code created at the time that the official approving the transaction entered their electronic signature.
44.57esig code7.1;4FREE TEXTThis is the encoded value used by IFCAP security utilities when confirming the integrity of the record.
44.6es code date/time7;7DATE-TIMEThis is the date and time of the ESIG code.
44.7gpf approving fiscal officer7;8POINTER200This is the field used to identify the responsible Fiscal Officer when the request is approved and released to Supply (General Post Funds - GPF requests only).
44.8gpf validation code7;9FREE TEXTThis is the electronic signature code of the approving Fiscal Officer (General Post Funds - GPF requests only). It replaces the written signature required on the IFCAP document. The electronic signature code is encrypted to prevent unauthorized use.
44.85gpf validation version7.1;1NUMERICThis is the version number of the algorithms used for encoding and decoding the GPF Validation Code.
44.87gpf esig code7.1;2FREE TEXTThis is the encoded value used by IFCAP security utilities when confirming the integrity of the General Post Fund request.
44.9gpf es code date/time7;10DATE-TIMEThis is the date and time associated with the Fiscal Officer's approval of the request (General Post Funds - GPF requests only).
45justification8;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is the justification for the request entered by the Control Point Requestor.
46deliver to/location9;1FREE TEXTThis is the name of the individual and/or room number to which this request is to be delivered.
47est. delivery date9;2DATE-TIMEThis is the estimated delivery date for this request.
48date received9;3DATE-TIMEThis is the date on which the request was received in full.
48.1est. shipping and/or handling9;4NUMERICThis is the estimated shipping and/or handling cost for the request.
49sort group11;1VARIABLE-POINTER410.7, 6920JThis Sort Group field may be used to group together all transactions (requests) that relate to a specific project, work order, investigator, food group, doctor, etc. This is the previous 'Project Number' field.
50line item count10;1NUMERICThis is the number of line items on the request.
51parent transaction number10;2FREE TEXTAGThis is the original transaction, providing the request has been divided.
52station no - p.o. no10;3POINTER442This is the station number and the purchase order number on this request.
53originator of temp # req.11;2POINTER200This is the name of the person originating the temporary request. The number assigned to the request remains temporary until such time as the Control Point Clerk chooses to make it permanent.
54statusCOMPUTEDThis is the status of this request. It is associated with the Purchase Order Status file, #442.3.
55ready for approval/signature?11;3BOOLEAN1:YES
AQYES indicates that this request is ready for approval by the Control Point Official.
56request status10;4POINTER442.3This is the status of this request. It is associated with the Purchase Order Status file, #442.3.
57log voucher number (supply)(+)100;1FREE TEXTLThis is the LOG Voucher Number. It must have fiscal month (0=Oct. J=Nov. K= Dec, 1=Jan....9=Sep.), followed by a 4-digit sequential number. This originates from the Integrated Procurement, Storage and Distribution System (LOG1) manual, MP-6, Part XIV. It is used when transmitting L0G transactions to the Austin Automation Center (AAC).
58log dietetic period(+)100;2SET OF CODES1:FIRST REPORT (1ST-15TH)
This is the set of codes for the first report (1st through 15th of month), second report (16th through 31st of month), and no report.
59fiscal processing month(+)100;3SET OF CODES1:JANUARY
This is the month the request was processed in fiscal.
60commentsCO;0WORD-PROCESSINGThese are comments entered by Control Point personnel concerning the request.
61reason for return13;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is the reason the request was returned from fiscal.
62log code sheets sent by100;4POINTER200This is the person who sent the log code sheets.
63log code sheets valid. code100;5FREE TEXTThis is the validation code created for the record after the person sending the log code sheets has entered their electronic signature.
63.5log cs validation version100;9NUMERICThis is the version number of the algorithms used to encode and decode the LOG Code Sheets Validation Code at the time that the sender enters a valid electronic signature.
63.7log cs esig code100;10FREE TEXTThis is the encoded value used by IFCAP security utilities when confirming the integrity of the LOG code sheet.
64date signed100;6DATE-TIMEThis is the date when the code sheets were signed.
65log voucher number (fiscal)(+)100;7FREE TEXTEnter Voucher No. in Fiscal format. (Letter 'P', followed by letter for month A through M = Oct. through Sep. (note: skips 'I'), followed by 4 digit sequential number.
66log department100;8FREE TEXTThis is the LOG department number for issue book requests. This number originates from the Integrated Procurement, Storage and Distribution System (LOG1) manual, MP-6, Part XIV. It is used when transmitting L0G transactions to the Austin Data Processing Center (DPC).
67converted 13580;9BOOLEAN1:yes
This field will reflect if the entry is a 1358 and has been converted during installation of v4 of IFCAP.
68originator of request14;1POINTER200This field is used to contain the New Person File pointer for the clerk who physically enters a request.
69ao signature date7;12DATE-TIMEThis field is used to hold the date when a 2237 was signed by an accountable officer. It is used to display on the 2237.
103ecms actionuid1;8FREE TEXTThis field stores the eCMS internal, unique identifier for the Purchase Request created from this IFCAP 2237. This field is populated by the eCMS/IFCAP interface.
104cancelled by1;9POINTER200This is the individual who cancelled this 2237.
105cancel date/time1;10DATE-TIMEThis is the date and time that the person cancelled the 2237 in IFCAP.
445.01reference voucher number445;1FREE TEXTThis field is used for issue books. It stores the reference voucher number which is generated by the inventory package during posted. The reference voucher number is used on the issue book code sheets and the voucher summary report.
445.02last fmsline used445;2NUMERICThis field is used by the inventory package during issue book posting or adjustments to track the last FMS IV document line number used.
446total dollars posted445;3NUMERICThis is the total dollar amount posted for the issue book.
447coupler445;4POINTER410This field is used to store the seller/buyer txn record id in file 410.
448substation0;10POINTER411This field contains the substation number for the transaction. It is used only for merged stations which have a primary station with subsidiary stations.
449running balance quarter date(+)0;11DATE-TIMEThis is the beginning date of a quarter. It is used to print the quarterly running balance report and to recalcualte the control point balances. This date will be edited when a entry is created, apporved, obligated and carried forward to the new quarter.
450running balance status(+)0;12SET OF CODESE:ENTERED
This code is used to indicate the entry is in entered, approved, or obligated status.
451purchase card record1;2POINTER440.5This field is populated with the Purchase Card number when the 2237 associated with a purchase card order is created.
455issue book batch id445;5FREE TEXTASThis is the Batch ID of the Issue Book sent from the COTS inventory system to uniquely identify the Issue Book.

Referenced by 12 types

  1. DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY TRANSACTION (58.81) -- control point activity
  2. CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY (410) -- coupler
  3. EQUIPMENT REQUEST (413) -- 2237 number
  4. IFCAP/ECMS TRANSACTION (414.06) -- request record
  5. FUND DISTRIBUTION (421) -- 1st qtr cpa number, 2nd qtr cpa number, 3rd qtr cpa number, 4th qtr cpa number
  6. 1358 DAILY RECORD (424) -- cpa pointer
  7. PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS (442) -- primary 2237, pcdo 2237
  8. REQUEST WORKSHEET (443) -- 2237 transaction number
  9. AMENDMENTS (443.6) -- primary 2237, pcdo 2237
  10. REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (444) -- primary 2237
  11. PROSTHETICS 1358 (664) -- c.p.
  12. WORK ORDER # (6920) -- parts ordered on acc.#