This file holds FMS reconcilliation data for a Fiscal Service. Each entry contains the site, control point fiscal year, quarter, transaction amount, and any FMS generated data.
.01fms reference(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis is the FMS reference number. It is created in IFCAP and has the format FMS trans. number_transmission date.
1beginning budget fy0;2NUMERICThis is the beginning budget fiscal year for the transaction.
2ending budget fy0;3NUMERICThis is the ending budget fiscal year for the transaction.
3fiscal year0;4FREE TEXTThis is the fiscal year for the adjustment.
4fiscal quarter0;5NUMERICThis field holds the quarter for the transaction retirned from FMS.
5fund0;6FREE TEXTThis is the fund for the transaction which was returned from FMS.
6administration/staff office0;7FREE TEXTThis is the administration/staff office returned on the adjustment.
7station0;8FREE TEXTThis is the station for the transaction returned from FMS.
8program0;9FREE TEXTThis is the program (optional) returned for the transaction.
9fcp/project0;10FREE TEXTThis is the FMS FCP/Project reference for the control point.
10cost center0;11FREE TEXTThis is the cost center returned by FMS.
11sub cost center0;12FREE TEXTThis is the sub cost center (optional) associated with the cost center.
12reporting category0;13FREE TEXTThis is the FMS reporting category for the transaction.
13job number0;14FREE TEXTThis is the job number (optional) for the transaction.
14budget object code0;15FREE TEXTThis is the budget object code for the transaction.
15budget object class0;16FREE TEXTThis is the budget object class for the transaction.
16transaction code0;17FREE TEXTThis is the transaction code for the transaction.
17transaction number0;18FREE TEXTThis is the transaction number (purchase order number) returned by FMS. As all FMS generated transactions do not necessarily pertain to a purchase order, this number is not always returned.
18line number0;19FREE TEXTThis is the line number for the transaction returned from FMS.
19amount0;20FREE TEXTThis is the adjustment amount returned on the transaction.
20station-fy-quarter-cp0;21FREE TEXTCThis field contains the station,fiscal year, quarter,and control point. It is used to set up a cross reference for creation of FMS 820 reports.
21transaction date0;22DATE-TIMEThis is the transaction date returned in the header of the FMS transmission.
22converted record1;1FREE TEXTThis field is used to store the 410 entry for the 820 record.
Shows status of FMS transactions.

Not Referenced