Files > CENSUS

.001number11This sub-field of the Census field multiple is the .001 and contains a whole number between 99999 and 99999999.
.01census date0;1DATE-TIMEThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the inverse date for information stored for this ward on a specific Census Date.
.91fiscal year dateCOMPUTEDThis sub-field of the Census field multiple is a computed fiscal year date.
.92adc fytdCOMPUTEDThis sub-field of the Census field multiple is a computed Average Daily Census (ADC) for the Fiscal Year to Date (FYTD).
.93days in monthCOMPUTEDThis sub-field of the Census field multiple is the computed Days in Month.
.94monthCOMPUTEDThis sub-field of the Census field multiple is the computed Month.
.95day in monthCOMPUTEDThis sub-field of the Census field multiple is the computed Day in Month.
.96months in fyCOMPUTEDThis sub-field of the Census field multiple is computed and contains the Months in Fiscal Year.
.97fy to dateCOMPUTEDThis sub-field of the Census field multiple is computed and contains (Cum Losses/Months in FY)/ADC FYTD*100 and always is a whole number.
1patients remaining0;2NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the patients remaining in this ward at end of census day.
2cum patient days of care0;3NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Patient Days of Care in this ward from beginning of fiscal year to today.
3cum bed0;4NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Beds in this ward from the beginning of fiscal year.
4pct bed utilizationCOMPUTEDCum Count divided by Cum Beds
5cum discharges0;5NUMERICThe sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Discharges from beginning of the current fiscal year for this ward location.
6cum inter xfers0;6NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Interward Transfers Out for the current fiscal year for this ward location.
7cum pat remain0;7NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census multiple field contains the Cumulative Patients remaining fiscal year to date for this ward location. Patients remaining equals: Yesterday's COUNT + (Plus) Todays GAINS (Admissions and Transfers) - (Minus) Todays LOSSES (Discharges and Transfers)
8cum intserv xfers0;8NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Interservice (Bedsection Changes) for the current fiscal year for this ward location.
9cum pass days0;9NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative days of Authorized Absence <96 hours fiscal year to date for this ward location.
10cum abo days0;10NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Absent Bed Occupied Days (Authorized Absence) fiscal year to date for this ward location.
11cum ua days0;11NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Unauthorized Absence Days fiscal year to date for this ward location.
12*cum 1 day dialysis patients0;12NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Dialysis Patients (only for dialysis ward) for fiscal year to date for this ward location.
13cum admis from xfer in0;13NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Admissions with movement type Tranfer In for fiscal year to date for this ward location.
14cum disch to xfer out0;14NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Discharges with movement type Transfer Out for this fiscal year to date for this ward location.
15cum discharges to death0;15NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Discharges with movement type of Death for this fiscal year for this ward location.
16cum disch to 'opt/nsc'0;16NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Discharges with movement type OPT/NSC for this fiscal year for this ward location.
17cum admissions0;17NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the Cumulative Admissions for this fiscal year for this ward loation.
18adm after rehosp >30days0;18NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of admission (pertains only to Dom or NHCU) that were hospitalized more than 30 days for this fiscal year for this ward location.
19from asih0;19NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative transfers from Absent Sick In Hospital (From ASIH) for this fiscal year for this ward location.
20to asih0;20NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative transfers or discharges from Absent Sick In Hospital (TO ASIH) for this fiscal year for this ward location.
21discharge while asih0;21NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cummulative discharges (NHCU or DOM) while Absent Sick In Hospital for this fiscal yar for this ward location.
22died while asih0;22NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Deaths (recorded in NHCU or DOM) while patient was Absent Sick In Hospital for this fiscal year for this ward location.
23cum intserv xfers in0;23NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Interservice Transfers into this bedsection for this fiscal year for this ward location.
24cum losses0;24NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Losses (from transfers and discharges) for this fiscal year for this ward location.
25cum monthly pat days0;25NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative (from beginning of Month) Patient Days of Care for this month (from the beginning of current month) for this ward location.
26cum authorized absence0;26NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Transfers To Authorized Absence (not days) for this fiscal year for this ward location.
27cum unauthorized absences0;27NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Transfers To Unauthorized Absence (not days) for this fiscal year for this ward location.
28gains-total [cum]0;28NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Gains Totals (from admissions and transfers) for this fiscal year for this ward location.
29iwt gains [cum]0;29NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Inter-Ward-Transfers for this fiscal year for this ward location.
30cum beds out-of-service0;30NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Cumulative Beds Out-Of-Service for this fiscal year for this ward location.
31cum days ward out-of-service0;31NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field mutiple contains the number of Cumulative Days Ward Out-Of-Service for this fiscal year for this ward location.
101female patients remaining1;1NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Female Patients Remaining at end of census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
102operating beds1;2NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Operating Beds at end of census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
103bed occupants- 65 and over1;3NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Bed Occupants who were 65 Years Old or Over at the end of census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
104bed occupants- vietnam era1;4NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Bed Occupants whose period of service indicated Vietnam Era at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
105patients on aa<961;5NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Patients on Pass (AA<96) at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
106patients on authorized absence1;6NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Patients on Authorized Absence (AA) at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
107unauthorized absence1;7NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Patients on Unauthorized Absence (UA) at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
108asih1;8NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Patients Absent Sick In Hospital (ASIH) at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
109beds out of service1;9NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Beds Out Of Service at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
110authorized beds1;10NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of Authorized Beds at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.
111one day discharges1;11NUMERICThis sub-field of the Census field multiple contains the number of One Day Discharges (patients who were discharged with admission on the same day) at the end of the census day (not cumulative) for this ward location.

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