This is a charge card master file.
.01purchase card number(+)0;1FREE TEXTBPlease enter the purchase card number that you want to assign to a user. The number can not be an existing number assigned to and used by another user.
1fund control point(+)0;2FREE TEXTPlease input a Fund Control Point that you want all the purchases for this purchase card to be expensed to.
2cost center(+)0;3FREE TEXTPlease input a valid Cost Center for the Fund Control POint.
3budget object code(+)0;4FREE TEXTPlease input a valid Budget Object Code for the Cost Center.
4pc user single purchase limit0;5NUMERICThis is the maximum amount that can be charged to this Purchase Card by the purchase card user for any one purchase.
5monthly purchase limit0;6NUMERICThis is the maximum amount that can be charged to this Purchase Card within any one month.
6delivery location0;7FREE TEXTThis is the location that you want the ordered items to be delivered to most of the time.
7card holder(+)0;8POINTER200HThis is the purchase card user this card is issued to.
8approving official(+)0;9POINTER200EPlease input a user who can approve purchase card charges for this purchase card.
9alternate approving official0;10POINTER200FThis is the user who can also approve purchase card charges for this card in case the Approving Official is not available.
10purchase card name(+)0;11FREE TEXTGThis is the name by which the user will be able to recognize this purchase card.
12surrogate user1;0MULTIPLE440.512This is the user who can also use this purchase card to order items.
13monthly purchases2;1NUMERICThis is a monthly purchase dollar amount.
14inactivate card?2;2BOOLEANY:YES
AIThis indicates if this purchase card is an inactive card.
15station number(+)2;3POINTER411This is the station number of the purchase card.
16expiration date2;4DATE-TIMEThis date expressed either as a month-year or month-date-year value is the last date that this card is active. The month-year syntax assumes the last day of the specified month.
51e replaced card number50;1FREE TEXTARPCThis is the existing purchase card number which will be replaced by a new purchase card number.
52e card holder name50;2FREE TEXTThis is the purchase card holder name that is passed from the charge card vendor.
53e station number50;3FREE TEXTThis is the station number passed from the charge card vendor.
54e valid date50;4FREE TEXTThis is the date card was embossed.
55e fund code50;5FREE TEXTThis is the FMS Fund code passed from the charge card vendor.
56e acc code50;6FREE TEXTThis is the FMS ACC code passed from the charge card vendor.
57e cost center50;7FREE TEXTThis is the cost center passed from the charge card vendor.
58e boc50;8FREE TEXTThis is the FMS BOC passed from the charge card vendor.
59e expiration date50;9FREE TEXTThis is the charge card expiration date passed from the charge card vendor.
60e charge card number50;10FREE TEXTThis is the new charge card number passed from the charge card vendor.
61e single purchase limit50;11FREE TEXTThis is the charge card single purchase limit passed from the charge card vendor.
62e monthly purchase limit50;12FREE TEXTThis is the charge card monthly purchase limit passed from the charge card vendor.
63r fund control point50;13FREE TEXTThis is a replaced fund control point.
STThis field is the status of the entry. If the entry appears on the Charge Card Exception Report this field will contain a value of E.
71status date70;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date the status field is set or updated.

Referenced by 3 types

  1. CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY (410) -- purchase card record
  2. PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS (442) -- purchase card number
  3. AMENDMENTS (443.6) -- purchase card number