.01amendment0;1NUMERICBThis is the amendment to the purchase order.
1effective date0;2DATE-TIMEThis is the effective date of the amendment.
2amount changed0;3NUMERICThis is the amount changed in the amendment.
3authority(+)0;4POINTER442.2This is the type of amendment.
4type comments0;7FREE TEXTThese are comments regarding the type of amendment.
5contractor required to sign?0;5BOOLEANY:YES
User-entered flag for whether or not Contractor needs to sign P.O./Req.
5.2number of copies0;6NUMERICThis is the number of copies of the amendment needed.
6pa/ppm/authorized buyer(+)1;1POINTER200This is the purchasing agent making the amendment.
7validation code1;2FREE TEXTThis is the electronic signature of the purchasing agent making the agreement.
7.5validation version0;9NUMERIC Version of validation code
7.7esig code0;10FREE TEXT Esig code
8date signed1;3DATE-TIMEThis is the date the purchasing agent signed the amendment.
9amendment/adjustment status1;4POINTER442.3This is the status of the amendment/adjustment.
10fiscal approved by1;5POINTER200This is the Fiscal Service person approving the amendment.
11fiscal validation code1;6FREE TEXTThis is the electronic signature code of the person approving the amendment.
11.5fiscal validation version0;11NUMERIC Version of validation code
11.7fiscal esig code1;7FREE TEXT Encoded value used by IFCAP security utilities when confirming the integrity of this record.
11.8fiscal validation date1;8DATE-TIME Date/time of validation of ESIG
12description2;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is a description of the amendment.
13adjustment voucher0;8BOOLEANY:YES
This is the adjustment voucher.
14changes3;0MULTIPLE442.714This multiple stores all the changes belonging to this amendment.
16justification(+)4;1FREE TEXTThe reason for amendment of the purchase order. Answer must be 1-240 characters in length.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 442.07