The file holds parameters related to the Master File Server (MFS). DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! The parameters map HL7 segment data to standard FileMan data files. Local modifications to this file will seriously disrupt standard file updating and have negative consequences to existing VistA applications.
.01master file(+)0;1POINTER1BThis field is the Internal File Number (IFN) of the Master File table supported by the Master File Server (MFS).
.02segment name(+)0;2FREE TEXTZZZThis field holds the name of the HL7 data segment that hold the actual table values.
.03mfi code(+)0;3FREE TEXTMFIThis code identifies the master file.
.04pre-update routine(+)0;4FREE TEXTThis field holds the label of the sub-routine in XUMFR that gets called before an update by the MFS for a data type segment. Enter the label without '^XUMFR'. The sub-routine can assume the presence of the variables IFN and IEN. All local variables within the sub-routine must be NEW'd before using them. The default value for this field is 'PRE'. The PRE sub-routine builds the current values of the entry in question (associated with the IEN) into an array (^TMP("XUMF PRE",$J,SEQ) =fieldLabel_": "_value). This field is required, so if you have no processing use NULL.
.05post-update routine0;5FREE TEXTThis field holds the label of the sub-routine in XUMFR that gets called after an update by the MFS for a data type segment. Enter the label without '^XUMFR'. The sub-routine can assume the presence of the variables IFN and IEN. All local variables within the sub-routine must be NEW'd before using them. The default value for this field is 'POST'. The POST sub-routine builds the new values of the entry in question (associated with the IEN) and compares them against the previous values (prior to update) to determine if any values changed. If the values have changed a MailMan notification is sent to the XUMF SERVER mail group and the group identified by MAIL GROUP of this MASTER FILE PARAMERS entry. Note: if the post-update routine calls POST^XUMFR then pre-update routine must call PRE^XUMFR. This field is required, so if you have no processing use NULL.
.06mail group0;6POINTER3.8This mail group will be notified when an HL7 unsolicited update message is received from the MFS server. This group will be notified in addition to the group XUMF SERVER.
.07master file identifier0;7FREE TEXTMFIDThis field identifies the file to be updated.
.08sort by0;8FREE TEXTThe default sort by field is VUID. Only supply alternate sort by field in the case of no VUID such as files like mappings.
.09filter by0;9FREE TEXTYou can specify a query filter by field (column description.)
1column1;0MULTIPLE4.011The COLUMN DESCRIPTION multiple maps the data type segment fields and components to FileMan fields for a standard table. There are additional fields within the sub-file to handle multiple field types and extended references.
2post-processing logic2;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is Standard MUMPS code that gets executed after message processing.
3add-processing logic3;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is Standard MUMPS code that gets executed before message processing.
4mfe-processing logic4;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is Standard MUMPS code that gets executed for each MFE segment.
4.1mfe id field(+)MFE;1NUMERICThis field holds the field number that corresponds to the ID of the Primary Key Value in MFE. This field # is the SDS field added to the file to store the internal identifier to the SDS database.
4.11mfe id type(+)MFE;11POINTER771.4MFE ID HL7 data type.
4.12mfe text type(+)MFE;12POINTER771.4Enter the MFE TEXT HL7 data type.
4.14mfe alt id type(+)MFE;14POINTER771.4Enter the MFE ID HL7 data type.
4.15mfe alt text type(+)MFE;15POINTER771.4Enter the MFE ALT TEXT HL7 data type.
4.16mfe pre-update routine(+)MFE;16FREE TEXTThis field holds the label of the sub-routine in XUMFRMFE that gets called before an update by the MFS for an MFE segment. Enter the label without '^XUMFRMFE'. The sub-routine can assume the presence of the variable IFN. All local variables within the sub-routine must be NEW'd before using the.
4.17mfe post-update routine(+)MFE;17FREE TEXTThis field holds the label of the sub-routine in XUMFRMFE that gets called after an update by the MFS for an MFE segment. Enter the label without '^XUMFRMFE'. The sub-routine can assume the presence of the variables IFN and IEN. All local variables within the sub-routine must be NEW'd before using them.
4.2mfe text field(+)MFE;2NUMERICThis field holds the field number that corresponds to the TEXT of the Primary Key Value in MFE.
4.3mfe codsys(+)MFE;3FREE TEXTThis field holds the coding system that corresponds to the ID of the Primary Key Value in MFE.
4.4mfe alt id field(+)MFE;4NUMERICThis field holds the field number that corresponds to the alternate ID of the Primary Key Value in MFE. The field # should be a key field to the file (not the SDS identifier field). This field will be used by MFS to determine which entry in the file corresponds to the PKV id if it hasn't been already associated. Ideally, this field is a unique key to the file.
4.5mfe alt text field(+)MFE;5NUMERICThis field holds the field number that corresponds to the alternate TEXT of the Primary Key Value in MFE.
4.6mfe alt codsys(+)MFE;6FREE TEXTThis field holds the alternate coding system that corresponds to the ID of the Primary Key Value in MFE.
4.7mfe pkv type(+)MFE;7POINTER771.4This field holds the Primary Key Value data type. Valid values stored in HL7 Table 0355 - Primary key value type.
4.8mfe pkv x-ref(+)MFE;8FREE TEXTThis field hold the FileMan cross-reference of the Primary Key Value (PKV). Since MFE.4.1 is the SDS internal identifier then provide the alternate ID (MFE.4.4) cross-reference. The natural FileMan key x-ref that corresponds to the alt id.
4.9assigning authority(+)MFE;9FREE TEXTThis field holds the assigning authority responsible for the code system used in the HL7 MFE PKV segment sequence. See QRD segment. Who Subject Filter. This field holds the code that identifies the standards body, or in the case of VA specific data the routing symbol (or other identifying code) of the data owner of steward. If all else fails, use 'VA' as the code.
5zrt-processing logic5;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is Standard MUMPS code that gets executed for each ZRT segment.

Not Referenced