.01purge date0;1DATE-TIMEBThis is a date on which one of the purges ran.
1remaining messages0;2NUMERICThis is the number of messages that remained on file after the purge ran.
2purged messages0;3NUMERICThis is the number of messages that were purged.
3start purge date0;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date entered by the user. It refers to the starting date of the purge process for unreferenced messages. All unreferenced messages sent on or after this date (and on or before the ending date) are subject to purge.
4stop purge date0;5DATE-TIMEThis is the date entered by the user. It refers to the ending date of the purge process for unreferenced messages. All unreferenced messages sent on or before this date (and on or after the starting date) are subject to purge.
5purge type0;6SET OF CODES1:DATE PURGE
There are purges of unreferenced messages and there are date purges.
6purge messages older than date0;7DATE-TIMEThis field is used during date purges and unreferenced message purges. During date purges, messages older than this date are purged from the Message file. During unreferenced message purges, unreferenced messages are purged if they were created on or before the purge end date. However, messages which originated locally and were sent to remote sites are not purged if they were created on or after this date. This is to give the remote sites some time to reply to the unreferenced message.
7last update0;8DATE-TIMEThis is the date & time of the last update by the process. It, along with the LAST DATE PROCESSED field, should indicate to the user that the task is progressing as it is checked and changes during the process.
8last date processed0;9DATE-TIMEThis field is updated during the date purge. It is the local create date of the last message actually processed when the update was made to the progress data which also includes the date/time of the update.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 4.302