Files > ZIP CODE

.01zip code0;1FREE TEXTBThe ZIP CODE field contains a list of all zip codes reported during the specified month.
.02c and p0;2NUMERICThe C AND P field contains a total count of the C&P exams during the specified month.
.03count0;3NUMERICThe COUNT field contains a total count of patients by zip code reported during the specified month.
.04unique0;4NUMERICThe UNIQUE field contains a count of the demographic zip code by unique (capitated) patient. A unique (capitated) visit is one for which no ASP visit is on record for the current fiscal year. This field is important because future budget allocations in VHA will be based on unique visits (i.e., fixed, per capita rates for each patient without regard to the number or nature of services provided). However, it is important to understand that a unique visit for the ASP service may not be unique to the medical center. ASP services may be asked for the proportion of unique patients in the case mix as medical centers and VISNs improve efficiency. The user may compare the total COUNT to the UNIQUE count to determine the case mix.
.05stop code0;5NUMERICThe STOP CODE field contains the stop code (203 for Audiology or 204 for Speech Pathology) associated with each visit. Statistics are reported for one or both clinic stop codes assigned to Audiology and Speech Pathology. All audiology clinics, providers, or activities report into stop code 203. All speech pathology clinics, providers, or activities report into stop code 204.

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