.01division(+)0;1POINTER40.8BIf you are a single division site, enter your division here and all workload will be credited to your division. If you are a multi-divisional site you must enter each division here and when entering a visit you will be asked to select the division in which the visit took place. This allows the workload to be credited to the correct divisions. You must enter at least one Division for your site.
.02division status(+)0;2SET OF CODESA:ACTIVE
Set the Division Status to INACTIVE if you no longer record visits at that Division. A division cannot be deleted but by changing the Status to INACTIVE the Division cannot be selected for New visits.
.03send to pce(+)0;3BOOLEAN0:NO
Enter YES if you wish data for this Division to be sent to PCE. Both the INTERFACE TO PCE parameter for the Site, and the SEND TO PCE parameter for a Division, must be set to YES if you wish QUASAR to transmit Visit data to PCE for the Division. If you record Visit data for multiple Divisions then you can configure QUASAR so that the PCE Interface is only active for selected Divisions.
.04use asp clinic file number(+)0;4BOOLEAN0:NO
The USE ASP CLINIC FILE NUMBER field allows you to associate existing clinic file numbers with patients. This option allows clinics to cross reference clinic file numbers with visit entries.
.06use c&p(+)0;6BOOLEAN0:NO
The USE C&P field allows you to use the QUASAR - AMIE/C&P interface for data transmission. If you answer YES to this field, you can enter all C&P exam information contained on the AMIE worksheet, adequate the results, and hand-off the report to the AMIE/C&P package. If your station does not support the AMIE package (e.g., reports are typed or dictated for transcription), you should answer NO to this question.
.07bypass audiometrics(+)0;7BOOLEAN0:NO
Certain diagnosis codes (i.e., hearing loss codes) are flagged to require audiometric data to be entered when those codes are used for a visit. If a visit contains one of the flagged codes, users are generally forced to enter the audiometric data. By answering YES for the BYPASS AUDIOMETRICS field, you allow users to bypass the entry of the audiometric data. If you answer NO, users are not given the bypass option and audiometric data is required if flagged codes are used. In any case, if the exam is a C&P exam, audiometric data is required.
.075procedure code year2;0MULTIPLE509850.832
.08pce interface start date(+)0;8DATE-TIME Enter the first Visit Date to be sent to PCE. QUASAR will only send Visits for this Division if the Visit date falls on or after the PCE INTERFACE START DATE. If you enter the 1st of the next calendar month for instance, you may continue to enter, edit or delete visits for the current calendar month and QUASAR will not transmit them to PCE. Once new Visits are entered for the new month they will automatically be transmitted to PCE. If you enter a date in the past, QUASAR will not automatically transmit visits that are already on file, even if their Visit Date is after the PCE INTERFACE START DATE. These visits will be reported on the PCE Exception Report and must be edited in QUASAR to initiate transfer to PCE.
.09update pce problem list(+)0;9BOOLEAN1:YES
When this field is set to 'Yes' and the PCE interface is active for the selected division, a prompt asking if the user wishes to update the PCE Problem list is displayed for each Diagnosis code that is entered within the ACKQAS VISIT ENTRY option. These marked Diagnosis codes are sent to PCE along with all the other visit data.

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