.01order number(+)0;1NUMERICB This is the record number of the order.
.24priority.2;4SET OF CODESS:STAT
This field contains the priority of the order that was received from OERR.
.25original order number0;18NUMERIC This is the original number of the order from file 53.1.
.5patient name0;15POINTER2 This is the patient for which the medication has been ordered.
1provider(+)0;2POINTER200 This is the prescribing physician's name.
2dispense drug1;0MULTIPLE55.07 This contains the dispense drug(s), and the related information, for this order. The dispense drug is the actual medication dispense by pharmacy for the order. Dispense drugs are obtained from the DRUG file (#50).
3med route0;3POINTER51.2 This is the route of administration for this medication. If a corresponding abbreviation is found for this route in the MEDICATION ROUTES file, that abbreviation is printed on the various reports in this package.
This identifies the type of medication ordered.
5self med0;5BOOLEAN0:NO
This should contain a `1' or (`YES') if this medication is to be administered by the patient to himself.
6hospital supplied self med0;6BOOLEAN0:NO
This should contain a `1' (or `YES') if this medication is to be a `SELF MED' and this site's pharmacy is to supply the medication. This is only asked if the user enters `YES' (or `1') to the SELF MED prompt. If the SELF MED prompt is ever edited to show `NO' (or `0'), this field is automatically deleted.
This describes the type of schedule for the dispensing of the medication(s) that make up the order. PRE-OP orders are usually considered to be ON-CALL orders, and orders dispensed as MUTLI-DOSE CONTAINERS are usually considered to be FILL ON REQUEST orders.
8special instructions6;1FREE TEXT This is any special instructions (using abbreviations whenever possible) needed for this order. This would include the physician's reason for ordering a PRN. This field utilizes the abbreviations and expansions from the MEDICATION INSTRUCTIONS file.
9original ward2;10POINTER42This is the ward where the patient was located when the order was created.
10start date/time(+)2;2DATE-TIMEAUDS This is the date and time the order is to begin. This package initially assigns the START DATE/TIME to the closest administration time or next admin. time or NOW depends on the value of the DEFAULT START DATE CALCULATION field in the INPATIENT WARD PARAMETERS. START DATE/TIME may not be entered prior to 7 days from the order's LOGIN DATE.
11day limit0;10NUMERIC This is number of days this order is to last.
12dose limit0;11NUMERIC This is the number of times the medication is to be administered.
13*units per dose0;12NUMERIC This is the number of UNITS (tablets, capsules, etc.) to be dispensed as a DOSE for this order. The literals '1/2' and '1/4' may be entered. If there is no entry, it is assumed to be ONE (1). ** PLEASE NOTE ** If a doctor prescribes 30 ml's of a medication that is usually dispensed and administered as 60 ml's, the correct UNITS PER DOSE would be 1/2 (or .5), NOT 30 ml's. (30 ml's would be entered into the DOSAGE ORDERED field.) If the UNITS PER DOSE ordered is a variable amount (1-2 tab.), it is suggested that the maximum amount be entered into this field and the amount ordered noted either in the DOSAGE ORDERED or SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS fields.
14*pre-exchange units5;6NUMERIC This is the number of actual units required for this order until the next cart exchange.
15comments3;0WORD-PROCESSING This is any remarks or explanations needed for this order.
16verifying nurse4;1POINTER200 This is the nurse who verified the order, or the latest action taken on the order.
17date verified by nurse4;2DATE-TIME This is the date the order was verified by the nurse.
18verifying pharmacist4;3POINTER200 This is the pharmacist who verified the order.
19date verified by pharmacist4;4DATE-TIME This is the date the order was verified by the pharmacist.
20physician4;5POINTER200 This is the physician who signed off on the order.
21date verified by physician4;6DATE-TIME This is the date the physician signed off on the order.
22clerk4;7POINTER200 (Not currently used.)
23date entered by clerk4;8DATE-TIME (Not currently used.)
24*solution0;17POINTER50 (Not currently used.)
25previous stop date/time2;3DATE-TIME This is used to store the original stop date when it is changed due to the order being cancelled. This allows the order to be reinstated.
26schedule(+)2;1FREE TEXTThis is the frequency (ONLY) by which the doses are to be administered. Several forms of entry are acceptable, such as Q6H, 09-12-15, STAT, QOD, and MO-WE-FR@AD (where MO-WE-FR are days of the week, and AD is the admin times.) The schedule will show on the MAR, labels, etc. If the letters PRN are found as part of the schedule, no admin times will print on the MAR or labels, and the PICK LIST will always show a count of zero (0). Avoid using notation such as W/F (with food) or WM (with meals) in the schedule as it may cause erroneous calculations. That information should be entered into the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. When using the MO-WE-FR@AD schedule, please remember that this type of schedule will not work properly without the "@" character and at least one admin. time, and that at least the first two letters of each weekday entered is needed.
27order date0;14DATE-TIME This is the date the order was entered into the computer. The package enters this date automatically when the order is transcribed.
27.1log-in date0;16DATE-TIME This is the date (to the second) the order was entered.
28status(+)0;9SET OF CODESA:ACTIVE
This is the status of the order.
29activity log9;0MULTIPLE55.09 This is a record of the actions that have taken place on the order. Actions include EDIT, RENEWAL and CANCELLATION. Stored with the action is the date and time the action took place and the user who took the action. If the action is an edit, the data in the field edited prior to the edit is also stored.
32*units called for5;2NUMERIC This is the total number of units to be dispensed for this medication as calculated by the package.
34stop date/time(+)2;4DATE-TIMEAUD This is the date and time the order will automatically expire. This package initially calculates a default stop date, depending on the SITE PARAMETERS.
35*total returns5;4NUMERIC This is the total number units returned for this medication over the life of the order.
36*units actually dispensed5;3NUMERIC This is the number of units of this medication actually dispensed as entered by the pharmacist.
38*returns5;5NUMERIC This is the number of units returned of this medication from the patient's cassette upon the termination of this order.
39*totals units dispensedCOMPUTED This is the total number of units actually dispensed for this order, including any EXTRA UNIT DISPENSED, and PRE-EXCHANGE NEEDS.
41admin times2;5FREE TEXT This is the times of the day the medication is to be administered. This package initially assigns a default set of ADMIN TIMES when a STANDARD SCHEDULE is entered into the SCHEDULE prompt.
42frequency (in minutes)2;6FREE TEXT This is either a code or the number of minutes between the times the medication is to be administered.
This is an internal flag, set when the order is marked to be renewed.
44renewal user4;16POINTER200 This is the user who marked the order to be renewed.
45date renewal marked4;17DATE-TIME This is the date this order was renewed or marked for renewal.
46marked cancelled4;12BOOLEAN1:YES
This is an internal flag set when the order is marked for cancellation.
47marked cancelled user4;13POINTER200 This is the user who marked the order for cancellation.
48date marked cancelled4;14DATE-TIME This is the date that the order was marked for cancellation.
49auto cancelled flag4;11BOOLEAN1:YES
This is an internal flag looked at by the UNIT DOSE package to determine if this order was automatically cancelled by the package because the patient was newly admitted, transferred, or discharged (or deceased). If this flag is on (1), the order may be reinstated within 72 hours of its cancellation.
50pv flag4;9BOOLEAN1:YES
This is an internal flag set whenever a pharmacist verifies the order.
51nv flag4;10BOOLEAN1:YES
This is an internal flag set whenever a nurse verifies the order.
52label date7;1DATE-TIME This is the date the last label record was created for the order.
53label reason7;2SET OF CODESE:EDITED
This is the last activity to take place on the order that created a label record.
54*totals extra units dispensed5;7NUMERIC This is the total number of extra units dispensed for this order over the entire life of the order.
55*extra units dispensed5;8NUMERIC This is the number of units dispensed outside of the normal dispensing process (pick list).
56hold flag4;18SET OF CODES0:OFF
This is an internal number set whenever the order is placed on HOLD, or marked to be placed on hold.
57hold user4;19POINTER200 This is the user who placed the order on hold, or marked the order to be placed on hold.
58hold date4;20DATE-TIME This is the date the order was placed on hold, or marked to be placed on hold.
59hold status4;21SET OF CODESA:ACTIVE
This is the previous status of the order, updated when the order is placed on HOLD. This allows the return of the previous status when the order is taken off of hold.
59.1oerr hold flag4;26BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is set when the order is placed on hold through the OE/RR package. Orders placed on hold through OE/RR may only be removed from hold through OE/RR.
60off hold flag4;22SET OF CODES0:OFF
This is an internal flag set when an order is taken off of hold, or marked to be taken off of hold.
61off hold user4;23POINTER200 This is the user who has taken the order off of hold, or marked the order to be taken off of hold.
62off hold date4;24DATE-TIME This is the date the order was taken off of hold, or marked to taken off of hold.
63*total pre-exchange units5;9NUMERIC This is the total number of pre-exchange units dispensed over the life of the order.
64purge flag0;20DATE-TIMEAUDDD This is an internal flag set when the order is due to be purged (deleted). This is actually the patient's discharge date, to allow the use of the 'AUDDD' x-ref.
65*sig6.5;1FREE TEXT This is the provider's exact instructions for this order's medication and its administration.
66orders file entry0;21FREE TEXT This is the pointer value of the corresponding entry in the ORDERS file (100) when the order is entered into OE/RR.
67merged patient4;25FREE TEXT If the order is moved from one patient to another, because patients are being merged, there will be data here. The data will be in the form of another patient's internal record number concatenated with either a `T' (if the order has been moved to the other patient), or an `F' (if the came FROM the other patient).
68last ward0;23POINTER42 This is the last ward the patient was located when the order expired or was discontinued. This is automatically updated by the Unit Dose package when the package finds that the patient is first admitted or when the patient is found to have been transferred. This allows any returns that are entered to be credited to the correct ward.
69'not to be given' flag0;22SET OF CODES1:NOT TO BE GIVEN
This is a flag that may be set for orders that have been discontinued or expired only. If the flag is set, the order cannot be renewed or reinstated. This is to be set only through the package, and not through VA FileMan.
70original start date/time2;7DATE-TIME This is the original start date/time of the order. An entry is automatically made here the first time the order is renewed.
71dispense log11;0MULTIPLE55.0611 This is the dispensing record for this order. It contains information such when the drug was dispensed, by whom, and how it was dispensed.
72provider comments12;0WORD-PROCESSING This is any instructions or comments entered by the provider for this order.
101*primary drug.1;1POINTER50.3B This is the primary drug associated with the order. If the order is a unit dose order all dispensed drugs entered must be matched to the order's primary drug. If the order is an IV order at least one of the additives or solutions entered must match the primary drug.
102*dosage ordered(+).1;2FREE TEXT This is the amount of the medication the patient is to receive as one dose for this order. This should be an amount with a unit of measure, such '500MG' or '50CC'. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE NUMBER OF TABLETS, ETC.
103reason order created0;24SET OF CODESN:NEW
This is used to show the method used to create this order.
104previous order0;25FREE TEXT If an action is taken on an order that causes a new order to be created, this will contain a code identifying the previous order.
105following order0;26FREE TEXT If an action is taken on an order that causes a new order to be created, this will contain a code identifying the order created.
106*nature of order(+).1;3SET OF CODESW:WRITTEN
This is the method the provider used to communicate to the user to enter (or take any other action) the order.
107reason for following order0;27SET OF CODESE:EDIT
If the order has been edited or renewed, this will contain the code corresponding to the action taken.
108orderable item.2;1POINTER50.7This is the Orderable Item associated with the order. If the order is a unit dose order, all dispense drugs entered must be matched to the order's primary drug. If the order is an IV, at lest one of the additives or solutions entered must match the orderable item.
109dosage ordered.2;2FREE TEXTThis is the amount of the medication the patient is to receive as one dose for this order. This should be an amount with a unit of measure, such as '500MG' or '50cc'. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE NUMBER OF TABLETS, ETC.
110nature of order.2;3SET OF CODESW:WRITTEN
This is the method the provider used to communicate to the user to enter (or take any other action) on the order.
111instructions.3;1FREE TEXT
114last renew14;0MULTIPLE55.6114
120dose.2;5NUMERICThis is the numeric dosage for the order. It will be combined with the UNIT field to show the dosage ordered. For a dosage of 325MG, 325 would be stored here.
121unit.2;6FREE TEXTThis is the field which contains the unit for the numeric dosage. The combination of these two fields gives you the dosage ordered for this order. For the doasge 325MG, MG would be stored here.
122si/opi flag6;2BOOLEAN1:YES
This flag controls whether the user administering this order in BCMA will have the Special Instructions displayed in a pop-up box.
123bcma expired flag4;27BOOLEAN0:NO
This is an internal flag to indicate the order was expired at the request of the Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) package. If the flag is set to 1, then BCMA requested Inpatient Medications expire the order. Only orders with the flag set to 1 can be reinstated by a BCMA reinstate request.
This indicates that this order has been flagged for clarification.
125orders file parent order.2;8FREE TEXTThis is the parent of an order that may have a parent/child relationship in CPRS.
126requested duration2.5;2FREE TEXTThe duration of an order as requested by the ordering clinician in CPRS. The duration is stored as one of the following upper case letters followed by an integer: L - Months W - Weeks D - Days H - Hours M - Minutes S - Seconds Example: D6 = Six days.
128most recent flag comment13;1FREE TEXT
130clinic8;1POINTER44This is the clinic location if this order is for an Outpatient.
131appointment date/time8;2DATE-TIMEDate and time of the appointment for this clinic location.
132intervention10;0MULTIPLE55.6132Pointer to Intervention (#9009032.4) file.
135special instructions (long)15;0WORD-PROCESSING
136display status0;28SET OF CODESDF:Discontinued due to edit by a provider through CPRS
DP:Discontinued by provider through CPRS
DD:Auto discontinued due to death
DA:Auto discontinued due to patient movements
HP:Placed on hold by provider through CPRS
This field captures how a "Discontinued" action occurred and this code is displayed on the short patient profile if the Stop Date/Time is within the time specified in the Inpatient Ward Parameter file (#59.6) or the Pharmacy System file (#59.7). The "HP" is to display on the profile if the order was placed on hold by provider through CPRS.

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