This file holds the set of parameters used in the transmission of controlled substance prescriptions to each State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP). While some of the parameters are updated by the user via a menu option, others are used internally for automated scheduled transmissions.
.01state(+)0;1POINTER5BThis is the state for which the parameters apply.
1asap version0;2SET OF CODES1995:ASAP 1995
3.0:ASAP 3.0
4.0:ASAP 4.0
4.1:ASAP 4.1
4.2:ASAP 4.2
This is the American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) format version required for the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) data transmission.
2include non-veteran patients0;3BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates whether controlled substances prescriptions dispensed to non-veteran patients should be included in the export file transmitted to the state.
3reporting frequency in days0;4NUMERICThis is the frequency the state requires pharmacies to report data. The value represents the number of days between transmissions of data to the state.
4open vms local directoryFILE;1FREE TEXTThis is name of the local Open VMS secure directory where the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) export file will be created before it can be transmitted to the state (e.g., USER$:[SPMP]).
5file name prefixFILE;2FREE TEXTThis is the prefix that will be appended to the name of the export file transmitted to the state.
6file extension(+)FILE;3SET OF CODES.TXT:.TXT
This is the extension of the export file transmitted to the state.
7state sftp server ip addressFILE;4FREE TEXTThis is the secure FTP IP address of the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) server where the export file will be transmitted to.
8state sftp server usernameFILE;5FREE TEXTThis is the secure FTP username at the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) server where the export file will be transmitted to.
9state sftp server port #FILE;6NUMERICThis is the secure FTP port number used by the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) server to receive the export file. If left blank, the default secure FTP port 22 will be used.
10state sftp server directoryFILE;7FREE TEXTThis is the directory name at the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) server where the export file will be saved to. If left blank, the default directory will be used.
11last export date runEXPORT;1DATE-TIMEThis is the last prescription release date/time exported to the state.
12transmit return to stock0;5BOOLEAN0:NO
This field indicates whether Return To Stock fills should automatically be transmitted to the state (in a separate file) or if reporting of such records will be handled manually.
13sftp transmission mode0;6SET OF CODESA:AUTOMATIC [RSA KEYS]
This field indicates whether the sFTP transmissions will happen automatically by a scheduled background job using RSA encryption keys or if it will be performed manually by a user.
14last ret to stock rx exportedEXPORT;4POINTER52This is the prescription that contains the last returned to stock fill transmitted to the state.
15unix/linux local directoryFILE1;1FREE TEXTThis is name of the local Unix/Linux secure directory where the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) export file will be created before it can be transmitted to the state (e.g., /usr/spmp/).
16windows/nt local directoryFILE1;2FREE TEXTThis is name of the local Windows/NT secure directory where the State Prescription Monitoring Program (SPMP) export file will be created before it can be transmitted to the state (e.g., D:\SPMP\).
100sftp rsa private key textPRVKEY;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is the Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP) private key text content.
200sftp rsa public key textPUBKEY;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is the Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP) public key text content.

Not Referenced