.01lrdfn0;1NUMERICThis field tracks the number of records converted to VBECS from the Lab Data (#63) file.
2dfn0;2NUMERICDFN is the IEN of the patient record from the Patient (#2) file.
3family name0;3NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'Family Name' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
4given name0;4NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'Given Name' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
5middle name0;5NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'Middle Name' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
6suffix (name)0;6NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'Suffix' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
7sex0;7NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'Sex' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
8dob0;8NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'DOB' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
9ssn0;9NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'SSN' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
10icn0;10NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'ICN' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
11abo0;11NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'ABO' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
12rh0;12NUMERICTabulates the number of times the 'RH' data element exists for this Lab Data record. Possible values are zero (0) or one (1).
13rbc antigens present0;13NUMERICIndicates the number of 'RBC Antigen Present' records related to this Lab Data record.
14rbc antigens present comments0;14NUMERICIndicates the number of 'RBC Antigen Present Comment' records related to this Lab Data record.
15rbc antigens present chars0;15NUMERICIndicates the number of characters of all the 'RBC Antigen Present Comment' data related to this Lab Data record.
16rbc antigens absent0;16NUMERICIndicates the number of 'RBC Antigen Absent' data related to this Lab Data record.
17rbc antigens absent comments0;17NUMERICIndicates the number of 'RBC Antigen Absent Comment' data related to this Lab Data record.
18rbc antigens absent chars0;18NUMERICIndicates the number of characters of all the 'RBC Antigen Absent Comment' data related to this Lab Data record.
19antibodies identified0;19NUMERICIndicates the number of 'Antibodies Identified' data related to this Lab Data record.
20antibodies identified comments0;20NUMERICIndicates the number of 'Antibodies Identified Comment' data related to this Lab Data record.
21antibodies identified chars0;21NUMERICIndicates the number of characters of all the 'Antibodies Identified Comment' data related to this Lab Data record.
22transfusion reaction date0;22NUMERICIndicates the number of occurrences that 'Transfusion Reaction Date' data appears in this Lab Data file record.
23transfusion reaction0;23NUMERICIndicates the number of occurrences that 'Transfusion Reaction' data appears in this Lab Data file record.
24transfusion reaction comments0;24NUMERICNon-interactive; indicates the number of occurrences that 'Transfusion Reaction Comments' appear for this Lab Data record.
25trans. reaction comment chars0;25NUMERICIndicates the number of characters of all the 'Transfusion Reaction Comment' data related to this Lab Data record.
26blood bank comments0;26NUMERICNon-interactive; indicates the number of occurrences that the 'Blood Bank Comment' data element appears in the Lab Data file record.
27blood bank comment chars0;27NUMERICIndicates the number of characters of all the 'Blood Bank Comments' data related to this Lab Data record.

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