This file defines the interviews, surveys and tests available in the Mental Health Assistant. Attributes of the instruments include authoring credits, target populations, normative samples and copyright information. Actions available including privileging, reporting of full item content and transmission to the Mental Health National Database are also specified. Direct entry via FileMan is prohibited.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTName of the interview, survey or test. Often its abbreviation is used here, e.g. "BDI2" instead of "Beck Depression Inventory-2". Each entry has a unique name.
2print title0;3FREE TEXTThis is the full formal name of the interview, survey or test. It is used on printed reports.
3version1;1FREE TEXTTest publishers often give a version number to a published test. This field does not imply VA software versioning.
4author1;2FREE TEXTThis field indicates the author of the interview, survey or test. It is meant to credit the test author and not the software author or the person who entered this description. Aaron Beck is the Author of the BDI.
5publisher1;3FREE TEXTThis is the name of the publisher of the test. Psychological Corporation is the publisher of the WAIS-R.
7publication date1;5DATE-TIMEDate of formal publication; often the copyright date
7.5reference8;1FREE TEXTThis is the primary journal citation for the test.
8a privilege1;6POINTER19.1If not null, only those users holding the specified key can administer the instrument.
9r privilege2;1FREE TEXTA key name from the SECURITY KEY file (#19.1). Only those users holding the specified key can produce a report of the instrument.
10operational2;2SET OF CODESY:Yes
U:Under Development
C:Clinical Reminder
This field allows an instrument to be "taken out of service". If set to 'N' this instrument can no longer be administered and will not show on selection lists. Reports of old administrations remain available. If set to U instrument will be tagged Under Development.
10.5has been operational2;5BOOLEANY:Yes
Used to define editing privileges, this field is set to yes when test is first used to collect patient data.
11requires license(+)2;3BOOLEANY:Yes
This indicates whether a copyright holder must grant the rights to use this Mental Health instrument.
12purpose3;1FREE TEXTDescription of what the test measures.
13norm sample4;1FREE TEXTOn what population was the normative data gathered ;ie. prisoners, inpatients, college students.
14target population5;1FREE TEXTWhich population is appropriate for measuring, ie vocational job seekers, combat veterans, etc
15entered by6;1FREE TEXTUser who entered the information about the instrument.
16entry date6;2DATE-TIMEDate instrument was added to the system.
17last edited by6;3FREE TEXTUser who last edited this record.
18last edit date(+)6;4DATE-TIMEDate and time of last change to this record.
19is national test6;5BOOLEANY:Yes
Specifies if instrument supported and distributed by the MHSHG informatics section as opposed to those locally developed.
20license current2;4BOOLEANY:Yes
If set to N indicates there is no longer an agreement with the publisher to use this test.
21copyright text7;1FREE TEXTText to display copyright information on the screen and printed report.
22requires signature(+)8;2BOOLEANY:Yes
Boolean if test requires signature before full release.
23is legacy8;3BOOLEANY:Yes
Boolean to specify whether test was in the MH Instruments file (#601).
24submit to national db8;4BOOLEANY:Yes
Boolean indicating to send results to the national MHSHG database. Set only by MHSHG.
25is copyrighted8;5BOOLEANY:Yes
Boolean specifying whether the instrument is copyrighted.
26write full text8;6BOOLEANY:Yes
Boolean, if set to true, actual question text is shown on reports.
27days to restart8;7NUMERICThis field sets a limit on finishing a previously started instrument. Set to zero if re-start is not allowed. Set to minus 1 if instrument can be completed at any time.
28generate pnote8;8BOOLEANY:Yes
Select No (or leave null) to stop MHA3 from generating a TIU note. Clinical Reminders do not read this flag. TIU notes are never generated for a test that has an R_Privilege set.
29tiu title8;9POINTER8925.1Title of the TIU note used to identify the progress note for this instrument.
30consult note title8;10POINTER8925.1This is the Consult Note Title associated with this instrument.
100.01ys mha b.dll versionVER;1FREE TEXTVersion number of YS_MHA_B.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software.
100.02ys mha b.dll date/timeVER;2DATE-TIMEModified date/time of YS_MHA_B.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software.
100.03ys mha aux.dll versionVER;3FREE TEXTVersion number of YS_MHA_AUX.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software.
100.04ys mha aux.dll date/timeVER;4DATE-TIMEModified date/time of YYS_MHA_AUX.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software.

Referenced by 10 types

  1. MH INSTRUMENT CONTENT (601.76) -- instrument
  2. MH BATTERY CONTENTS (601.78) -- instrument
  3. MH SKIPPED QUESTIONS (601.79) -- instrument
  4. MH SECTIONS (601.81) -- instrument
  5. MH INSTRUMENTRULES (601.83) -- instrumentid
  6. MH ADMINISTRATIONS (601.84) -- instrument name
  7. MH SCALEGROUPS (601.86) -- instrument id
  8. MH REPORT (601.93) -- instrument
  9. MH CR SCRATCH (601.94) -- instrument
  10. REMINDER DIALOG (801.41) -- finding item, mh test