The DELTA CHECKS file contains entries whose use is optional. They are entered in the LABORATORY TEST file (#60) under the site/specimen for the field 'Type of delta check'. The field 'Delta value' may be used or need to have an entry depending on the type of delta check. If test results are being entered or reviewed for verification on a test that has an entry in the 'Type of delta check' field for that site/specimen then the code in the DELTA CHECK file is executed. Usually the delta check is used to prompt back to the technologist a warning that there is some inconsistency in the data, so that the data can be rechecked before it is verified. Delta checks can be used for other reasons such as skipping over entries that do not need to be prompted or for doing calulations on data and storing the calculated results.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThe name of the delta check. It may be either an absolute or a percentage check. It may also be used for making range comparisons.
10xecutable code(+)1;E1,250FREE TEXTMUMPS code describing the delta check. Example: For the Delta Checks Name "ABS VALLUE" (absolute value) the Executable code is Q:X=""!(X1="")!(+X2=0) S Y=0,X3=X-X1 S:X3<0 X3=-X3 I X3>X2 S Y=1 W " <> ",7,X3. This statement ends the routine if the response is null (carriage return), if the previous value (X1) is null, or if the maximum difference is 0. If not, the difference between current and previous value (X3=X-X1) is computed and converted to the absolute value and the message " <> ", a bell, and the absolute value is printed.
20overflow 12;E1,250FREE TEXTThis field provides room for continuation of the code in the XECUTABLE CODE field, if needed.
30description3;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains information about how the delta check is used, or what it does.
31site notes date4;0MULTIPLE62.131 The date of this particular note.
60.1test name for input value 15;1POINTER60 This field is a pointer to a test that will contain the result value of the first incoming test. The result value should be stored in the variable LRSB(X) - where X is the data name IEN from ^DD(63.04.
60.2test name for input value 25;2POINTER60 This field is a pointer to a test that will contain the result value of the second incoming test. The result value should be stored in the variable LRSB(X) - where X is the data name IEN from ^DD(63.04.
60.3test name for input value 35;3POINTER60 This field is a pointer to a test that will contain the result value of the third incoming test. The result value should be stored in the variable LRSB(X) - where X is the data name IEN from ^DD(63.04.
61.1test name for output value 15;4POINTER60This field is a pointer to a test that will contain the calculated value of the first outgoing test. The calculated value should be stored in the variable LRSB(X) - where X is the data name IEN from ^DD(63.04.

Not Referenced