This file contains HBHC System Parameters data and is exported with one record. *** Note: This file should only contain ONE record. *** The Package Name (.01) field contains 'Hospital Based Home Care' and is uneditable. The Last Mail Message Date field is maintained by the package and is uneditable. The Package Startup Date field is entered by IRM on the virgin installation of the package and is uneditable. The Package Startup Date represents the earliest allowable date for visit data being transmitted to Austin, and must be between 6/1/1992 and 12/31/1999. The Number of Visit Days to Scan field can be edited by the application coordinator.
.01package name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field contains 'Hospital Based Home Care' and is uneditable.
1last mail message date0;2DATE-TIMEThis field represents date of last electronic record transmission via MailMan to Austin. Field updated by package only, no user input. Field is Uneditable.
2package startup date0;3DATE-TIMEThis field represents official startup date for visit records to be electronically transmitted to Austin. Date must be 6/1/1992 or later. Field is Uneditable.
3number of visit days to scan(+)0;4NUMERICThis field represents number of visit days HBHC package will scan when visit (appointment) data in Patient (2) file is processed for automatically updating HBHC Visit (632) file. Valid entries are 7 thru 365. (e.g. If 7 entered, visits for last 7 days would be written to HBHC Visit file.) This field also controls date range of visits that are displayed for selection during HBHC Visit file lookup. (e.g. If 7 entered, only visits for last 7 days would be displayed for selection from HBHC Visit file.)
4hospital number(+)0;5POINTER4This field represents 3-7 digit hospital number in Institution file.
5transmission in progress flag0;6SET OF CODES1:Transmission in Progress
This field represents a flag used to determine if transmission is currently in progress.
6transmit report printer0;7POINTER3.5
7file update in progress flag0;8SET OF CODES1:File Update in Progress
This field represents a flag used to determine if file updating is currently in progress.
8med foster home sanction date0;9DATE-TIMEThis field represents Date site was Sanctioned as Medical Foster Home (MFH) by VACO.

Not Referenced