.01lab data reference0;1FREE TEXTContains the global reference in a format similar to a FileMan DA array. It resolves to the section of this file which contains the results that are related to this reference. It constructed based on the entry's LRDFN, LRSS and LRIDT where LRDFN = internal enter number in file #63 LRSS = related subscript LRIDT = inverse date/time of specimen Autopsy results being one of a kind are created using a value LRSS="AU" LRIDT=0 to maintain the structure of the entries and related index. The structure of the reference is LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,1...N related global nodes in the LR global. When reference is to a specific field which shares other fields on the same node then the format used to distinguish separate fields is node;piece position on node. Example microbiology results within MI subscript - 173,MI,6959788.895648,3,1,0 Example microbiology results with MI subscript, 6th piece of 1 node - 356,MI,6919497.888687,1;6
.02type of reference0;2SET OF CODES1:SURGICAL CASE
Stores various references to external data that is related to this laboratory specimen/order/result. This field indicates the type/source of the package reference being stored in the REFERENCE field (#1). Examples can be: 1 - Imaging when there are associated images or other binary documents. 2 - Surgery when there is a related surgical case and a linkage needs to be recorded between the surgical operative report and the laboratory surgical pathology, cytology, or other laboratory report. 3 - Placer order number when the order was received from an external system and a reference/linkage needs to be maintained with the system. 4 - Filler order number when the order was fulfilled by an external system and a reference/linkage needs to be maintained to this system.
.03file reference0;3VARIABLE-POINTER4If the type of external reference stored is one which the laboratory package can establish a pointed-to file relationship then the pointer to that file can be stored here. Examples are pointing to the IMAGING file (#2005) or INSTITUTION file (#4). It can be used in conjunction with type #3/4 when storing an order number and in addition to the order number the institution related to the external order number can also be specified.
1reference1;E1,245FREE TEXTStores the actual reference related to the external system. Format is based on the type and handled via software. If type=imaging then the reference provided by the Imaging package will be recorded. If type=surgery then the Surgical Case # or reference to the Surgery Package. If type=placer order then the order identifier received from the placer of the order. If type=filler order then the filler identifier received from the filler of the order.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 63.00013