This is a nationally controlled file containing information for each journal title in any VA library. Some items in each record are the correct title, the publisher, what this title had for the title previous to this and what this title changed its name to after this name. publication, and editing information.
.01title(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThe title is the full title of a specific serial publication. Such titles can be extremely long and the initial words in two different titles can be exactly the same for a considerable length, for example: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. SUPPLEMENTUM Since exact alphabetization of these titles is very important in the serials process, it is crucial that the field length be long enough to accommodate all possibilities.
If a title is 'active', meaning no value has been input for this field, that title is available for the full range of options, including all the Serials Control Option functions. If it is rendered 'inactive' by one of the codes, it is no longer available for any of the SErials Control Option functions and Copy Specific Edit, but can still be used in Holdings options. If it is inactive, it indicates that the library will not be receiving any more current issues, but will be keeping its retrospective holdings. Should the title need to be reactivated, the value in the INACTIVE field can be deleted. Found in LTS option.
.03prediction pattern0;3POINTER680.9This field provides for the prediction pattern which has been assigned in the National Library Files Maintenance option on FORUM for a serials title which is still being published. No local input in the local Serials Module is allowed for this field. If there is no value in this field, there is no prediction pattern for this title, and thus there will be no automatic prediction of the next expected issue in the CHE option on the local module. Certain issuing patterns by publishers do not lend themselves to the establishment of a prediction pattern, most notably those quarterly publications which are labeled with seasonal designations such as spring, winter, etc. In order for a prediction pattern to be created, the serials title must be dated in a MM/YY or MM/DD/YY format.
.04frequency0;4POINTER680.2This field provides for the frequency of issue which has been assigned in the National Library Files Maintenance option on FORUM. No local input in the local Serials Module is allowed for this field. Every serials title may have a frequency assigned; however, not every serials title may have a prediction pattern. If no prediction pattern can be assigned, the frequency field may have the following type of value: QUARTERLY, NO PREDICT. PATTERN. Old serials which are no longer published may not have a frequency entered.
.05portion(+)0;5SET OF CODESN:NATIONAL
This field indicates whether the title has been downloaded from the National Library Files Maintenance option on FORUM or has been locally created. The data in this field is automatically created and cannot be changed locally.
1serline unique identifier3;1FREE TEXTHThis field allows for the input of the 9 character SERLINE number which is assigned to each title in the National Library of Medicine SERHOLD database. Not every serials title in the Serials Module will have a SERLINE number, particularly non-medical titles. Titles without a SERLINE number will not be report to SERHOLD.
2publisher3;2POINTER680.1This field allows for the input of the name of a publisher for a serials title.
3indexed1;0MULTIPLE680.53How is the serial indexed ?
4general notes2;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis word-processing field allows for notes to be entered concerning the bibliographic history of this serials title, including former names, names it is continued by, alternative names it may be known by, changes in publishing history, etc.
5first issue3;3FREE TEXTThis field is for the input of the first volume and issue number and issue date, historically, used when this specific serials title was first published under this name. These volume and issue numbers and issue dates are not necessarily the same as holdings statements.
6last issue3;4FREE TEXTThis field is for the input of the last volume and issue number and issue date, historically, used when this specific serials title was last published under this name. These volume and issue numbers and issue dates are not necessarily the same as holdings statements.
7issn/isbn3;5FREE TEXTEThis field is for the International Standard Serials Number or the International Standard Book Number for the specific serials title.
8formerly3;6POINTER680.5This field is for the complete serials title which was the immediate predecessor to this specific serials title.
9continued by3;7POINTER680.5This field is for the complete serials title which is the immediate successor to this specific serials title.
10nlm title abbreviation3;8FREE TEXTDThis field is for a title abbreviation either assigned by the National Library of Medicine or created following their abbreviation format.
11synonym0;6FREE TEXTFThis field is for the input of a synonym, alternative name, or acronym commonly used for this serials title. For instance, the New England Journal of Medicine is often called: NEJM. This field is not the same as the NLM TITLE ABBREVIATION. If an acronym is the official title of the serial, then the spelled- out version of the title would be entered in this field.
12source4;2FREE TEXTThis field is for the name of the authority used to establish the bibliographic information for this serials title record. Preferred sources are SERLINE, Ulrich's, OCLC, etc. and as a last resort, the item itself. This field is found only in the TAF file on FORUM, not on the local Serials Module.
13editor4;3POINTER200This field identifies which employee last edited the TAF file for this serials title record on FORUM.
14date updated any4;4DATE-TIMEThis field identifies the date on which a employee last edit the TAF file for this serials title record on FORUM.
17current subscription price3;9NUMERICThis field allows the input of the current subscription price for this serials title.
18country of publication3;10POINTER681.1This field allows the input of the country in which this serials title is published.

Referenced by 2 types

  1. LOCAL SERIALS (680) -- title
  2. TITLE AUTHORITY (680.5) -- formerly, continued by