This holds the V Lead Implant/Explant information for Pacemaker.
.01date/time of implant(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBThis field is the date/time that the procedure was entered into the database.
1medical patient(+)0;2POINTER690CThis field identifies the field which identifies the patient.
2v lead model0;3POINTER698.4This field identifies the V Lead Model.
3v lead manufacturer0;4POINTER698.6This field identifies the V Lead Manufacturer.
4v lead serial number0;5FREE TEXTThis field identifies the V Lead Serial number.
11v lead threshold in volts0;6NUMERICThis field identifies the V Lead threshold in Volts.
12v lead threshold in ma's at .50;7NUMERICThis field identifies the V lead threshold.
13v lead resistance (ohms) at 5v0;8NUMERICThis field identifies the V lead resistance.
14r wave amplitude (mv)0;9NUMERICThis field identifies the R wave amplitude.
15v lead psa used0;10POINTER698.4This field identifies the V Lead PSA used.
56explant date1;1DATE-TIMEThis field identifies the explant date.
57v lead explant reason1;2POINTER695.8This field identifies the V lead explant rationale.
300attending physician3;1POINTER200This field identifies the name of the Attending Physician for this V-Lead Implant.
301fellow-1st3;2POINTER200This field identifies the name of a Cardiology Fellow for this V-Lead Implant.
302fellow-2nd3;3POINTER200This field identifies the name of a Second Cardiology Fellow for this V-Lead Implant.
500comments10;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field identifies the comment field for this procedure.
600procedure summary(+).2;2FREE TEXTThis 1-79 character field is for display on the medicine procedure summary report.
601summary(+).2;1SET OF CODESA:ABNORMAL
This field identifies the procedure summary.
700icd diagnosisICD;0MULTIPLE698.12This field contains the ICD Diagnosis(es) for the procedure.
701primary providerPROV;1POINTER200This contains the primary provider. It is triggered by another field in the file and is located here to provider a standard provider location for use in transferring data to the PCC.
900pcc pointerPCC;1POINTER9000010APCEThis field is used to link the Medicine package results with the PCC Visit File for use by Queryman.
1000orifnOR;1POINTER100This field contains a pointer to the 'Consult Orders' internal file number, stored in file 100. This field is entered when results are entered in the Medicine package.
1001gmrcoOR;2POINTER123This field contains a pointer to the internal number of the consult order stored in the REQUEST/CONSULTATION file (123). This field is entered when results are entered in the Medicine package.

Referenced by 1 types

  1. REQUEST/CONSULTATION (123) -- result