This file holds specific information which defines certain site parameters relating to the actual functioning of your laboratory. The parameters include the official laboratory site name, whether the physician's name must be entered when ordering and/or accessioning tests, what type of accession label format (if any) the lab will be using, and scheduled hours of routine phlebotomy collection times, as well as others.
.01site name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThere can be only one entry in this file.
.18blood donor unit id prefix0;18NUMERICThe number of eye readable (non bar coded) characters as a prefix in the blood donor unit ID. A x-ref will be set ^DD(65.54,4,1,3,1) for the unit ID to exclude this prefix.
.8default lab oos location.8;1POINTER44Occassion Of Service (OOS) This field contains the default laboratory OOS location use to capture NPCDB workload. This field should contain the primary institution's laboratory OOS location. This location is used whenever a given Accession Area does not have a specific LAB OOS LOCATION assigned to capture NPCDB workload.
3default institution10;1POINTER4 Certain workload functions are performed in the background, that is a user is not identified. In this circumstance, the system has no way of identifying the institution the workload should be credited. This field is the default value to be used by the system. Enter the institution which should be considered the primary reporting institution. If this site is a multidivisional site, enter the parent institution in this field. If this field is not filled in the Mailman domain value will be used.
5.1immed lab collect div.7;0MULTIPLE69.9006 If your laboratory provides specimen collection service outside of the normal routine collection, use this subfile to enter data about your particular site. The parameters of Immediate Lab Collect define one institution. Therefore, multidivisional sites can have different parameters for each division.
8blood bank defaults8;0MULTIPLE69.98Defaults for Donor, Inventory, and Patient portions of the blood bank.
8.1blood bank division8.1;0MULTIPLE69.981 Indicate here which institution will be considered primary for this site.
9hospital site9;0MULTIPLE69.99This is where parameters are selected for sites throughout the hospital to control various aspects of lab order entry through OE/RR.
10*ask provider0;2BOOLEAN1:YES
Because of OERR Alert generation, a provider must be entered for all ordered test. Therefore this field is no longer active. It will be deleted in a later version.
11que ch,he,etc verified test(s)0;3BOOLEAN1:YES
If the verified test notice is to be automatically queued, this field must contain YES.
11.1ask frozen section11;1SET OF CODES1:YES
If frozen sections are to be put in a separate field (DD(63.08,1.3) 'YES' should be entered.
11.2ask surg path diagnosis11;2SET OF CODES1:YES
If diagnoses are to be put in a separate field 'YES' should be entered.
11.3ask cytopath diagnosis11;3SET OF CODES1:YES
If diagnoses are to be put in a separate field 'YES' should be entered.
11.4ask em diagnosis11;4SET OF CODES1:YES
If diagnoses are to be put in a separate field 'YES' should be entered.
11.5que micro verified tests(s)0;5BOOLEAN1:YES
If technologist approved work is to be automatically queued, this field must contain YES.
12print labels0;4BOOLEAN1:YES
If you want labels automatically printed, this field must contain YES.
13allow lab to add patients(+)0;6BOOLEAN0:NO
This field is not functional. It is no longer used to allow Lab to add patients to the Patient file.
14choice of accession numbers0;8SET OF CODES1:ALLOWED
If you are running this system in parallel with another, setting this field to YES enables you to change or choose accession numbers. When actually running, this field should be set to NO.
15grace period for orders(+)0;9NUMERICThis is the number of days that inactive orders will be kept. (Minimum is 7 days.)
16grace period for cumulative0;12NUMERICThe cumulative report (^LAC global) will be purged automatically when the cumulative report is run. Inpatient data is not purged. Patients currently enrolled in clinics are not purged. All other data (inactive for the number of days specified by this field) is purged. No entry means that no data will be purged.
17wkld stats on0;14BOOLEAN1:YES
To have WKLD statistics collected at the time of accessioning and verification, set this field to YES. This is the primary switch to turn on workload collection. This entry turns off the entire function. There is also a secondary switch (field) which allow each accession area to be turned on independently. It must also be answered yes to allow workload data collection in that specific accession area. It is located in the ACCESSION AREA file (#68), WORKLOAD ON field (#10). NOTE: BOTH FIELDS MUST BE ANSWERED YES TO ALLOW WORKLOAD DATA TO BE ACCUMULATED.
17.1*amis/cap default0;15BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is marked for deletion. It is no longer used after version 5.2 Workload release. default AMIS/CAP code for each test. A YES entry means that the defaults setup in file 60 will be used and no extra AMIS/CAP related questions are asked at the time of verification unless you have indicated in the field ASK AMIS/CAP CODES in file 60 that the specific test on the accession being verified should have the AMIS/CAP code questions asked.
18*grace period for statistics1;9NUMERICNOTE: THIS FIELD NO LONGER SERVES THIS FUNCTION. IT WILL BE DELETED IN 18 MONTHS AFTER THE RELEASE OF V 5.2. field to determine the number of days to go back to before purging data from these files. Allow enough time for you to get your monthly or quarterly lab statistics reports.
19grace period for inactivity0;13NUMERICEnter the number of days that a patient has to be inactive (no lab orders), for the "Force cumulative data to permanent page" option to identify the patient data as qualified to be forced to permanent.
20days back for delta checks0;7NUMERICThe number of days going backwards to use for delta checking.
64.913last ien processed64.9103;1NUMERICThis is the last IEN processed by the TaskMan job that monitors the LABORATORY TEST (#60) file for changes that might require quick order updates. This field is updated by a TaskMan job so it is recommended you DO NOT edit this field manually.
64.914last date processed64.9103;2DATE-TIMEThis is the last date/time processed by the TaskMan job that monitors the LABORATORY TEST (#60) file for changes that might require quick order updates. This field is updated by a TaskMan job so it is recommended you DO NOT edit this field manually.
95.3loinc historical mapping date95;1DATE-TIMEThis is the date that the LOINC Historical mapping was completed. The LAB DATA LOINC Mapping [LR LOINC HISTORICAL MAPPER 63] option populates this field after it has successfully completed all mapping.
95.31loinc historical last lrdfn95;2NUMERICThis field contains the last LRDFN that was mapped by the LAB DATA LOINC Mapping [LR LOINC HISTORICAL MAPPER 63] option.
100default blood specimen(+)1;1POINTER61The blood specimen that will be used as a default choice.
101default urine specimen(+)1;2POINTER61The urine specimen that will be used as a default choice.
102default serum specimen(+)1;3POINTER61The serum specimen that will be used as a default choice.
103default plasma specimen(+)1;4POINTER61The plasma specimen that will be used as a default choice.
104default unknown specimen(+)1;5POINTER61When the specimen is unknown, this is the specimen that will be chosen.
150.1default nature of orderOR;1POINTER100.02This is the default Nature of order for orders placed with Lab options. This field points to OE/RR's Nature of order file.
150.2default dc reasonOR;2POINTER100.03This is the default DC Reason used when orders are canceled or deleted with Lab options. This field points to OE/RR's Order Reason file.
200micro survey report defaultsMIS;0MULTIPLE69.9002 This field contains the default parameters used to print Micro survey report.
201micro trend report defaultsMIT;0MULTIPLE69.9005 This field contains the default parameters for the Micro Trend Report.
202micro report format0;11SET OF CODESI:INTERPRETATION ONLY
The output of the microbiology patient's report can display antibiotic susceptiblities as: I - interpretation only, R - results only, or B - both interpretation and results. No entry will default to interpretation only.
203micro default template1;10FREE TEXTContains the edit template name that will be used for entering antimicrobial results for those organisms that do not have a SUSCEPTIBILITY EDIT TEMPLATE defined in the ETIOLOGY file.
204micro other template1;11FREE TEXTContains the edit template name that will be used for entering antimicobial results that are not on the template specific for the organism. Generally, this template will include all antibiotic fields being reported.
210download full data1;7BOOLEAN0:NO
This field is used to determine how much data is to be downloaded to an instrument. If this field is set to download full data it will send data for all those instrument fields we have data for. A caution when setting this field is that the more data sent to the instrument the larger the records get and the longer it takes to complete a download. Also if there is limited disk space on the instrument you may overrun the space available causing the download to abort before you have all the data downloaded. This may cause the instrument to stop its processing until you correct the problem.
300hold-over sort urgency(+)3;1NUMERICThis is the urgency of hold-overs in building a load list. '0' is before STAT, and '10' is after ROUTINE. Choose from the numbers listed in the URGENCY file.
301default urgency(+)3;2POINTER62.05The urgency that will be used as the default choice, usually Routine.
302label type3;3SET OF CODES1:2X5 UNEVEN
Determines the format of the label that is printed. Choice of predefined default label (Null), 2x5 uneven (SLC special #1), or Order # first (#2), Medlab 7 part (#3), Site file label (routine LRLABEL4, #4), Site developed (VAF 10-1392) label (routine LRLABEL5, #5). Intermec printer, label stock No. 049114 1X3 inch (routine LRLABEL6, #6)
303log printer for routine lc3;4POINTER3.5This is the device you want the Routine Lab Collect Request to print on. It is recommended that this printer be different one than the one use for immediate lab collect listing.
304reserved field #1(+)3;5BOOLEAN0:NO
This field is reserved for future development. Will be used to indicate if data can be transferred to a foreign computer. NOT PRESENTLY USED
350printer division3.5;0MULTIPLE69.9007This sub-file is for multidivisional sites that wish to print lab collect orders at separate divisions. If this field is left blank, then the #303 Log Printer for Routine LC is used. Also, this sub-file is for multi- divisional sites that wish to have default label printers from LABLABEL to a division specific printer.
360label device3.6;0MULTIPLE69.9008Used by Laboratory software to identify which devices are label printers. This allows the software to handle various types of label printers and label stock.
400phlebotomy order cut-off time4;0MULTIPLE69.9001The order cut-off time for associated collection time. Time is in 24 hour format. Orders placed after the cut-off time will be put on the next routine lab collection.
500collect thursday orders in (+)5;1NUMERICThe number of days until the next phlebotomy collection.
501collect fridays orders in(+)5;2NUMERICThe number of days until the next phlebotomy collection.
502collect saturdays orders in(+)5;3NUMERICThe number of days until the next phlebotomy collection.
503collect sundays orders in(+)5;4NUMERICThe number of days until the next phlebotomy collection.
504collect mondays orders in(+)5;5NUMERICThe number of days until the next phlebotomy collection.
505collect tuesdays orders in(+)5;6NUMERICThe number of days until the next phlebotomy collection.
506collect wednesdays orders in(+)5;7NUMERICThe number of days until the next phlebotomy collection.
507ignore holidays0;10BOOLEAN0:NO
This field indicates if this institution operates at full service during federal holidays.
509excepted locations2;0MULTIPLE69.9004 This field contains those locations which have special printing or specimen collection status apart from other hospital locations.
510building collection list5;10BOOLEAN0:NO
This field is here only to allow a site to reset it if the system stopped during the building of the phlebotomy collection list. IF THE USER SETS THIS TO YES THE COLLECTION LIST WILL NOT WORK!!!
511collection list build $h5;11FREE TEXTThis field is used and filled in by the collection list when it is built. It contains the date that the list was built. For troubleshooting purposes only.
512collection list builder (duz)5;12NUMERICThis field is used and filled in by the collection list when it is built. It contains the DUZ of the user that built the list. For troubleshooting purposes only.
513collection list time5;14DATE-TIMEThis field is used and filled in by the collection list when it is built. It contains the time that the list is built. For troubleshooting purposes only.
514collection list print count5;15NUMERICThis field is used and filled in by the collection list when it is built and printed. It contains a count of the number of times a collection list is printed. For troubleshooting purposes only.
520date rollover last runRO;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the date that Rollover last run.
521rollover runningRO;2BOOLEAN0:NO
This field will be automatically set to YES when rollover is running.
530standard locations only1;8BOOLEAN1:YES
If you want to restrict accessioning to only allow the entry of standard locations (locations defined in the Hospital location file), set this field to YES.
600archive data6;0MULTIPLE69.9003 This field contains a history of archive activity done in the past. It also may contain information concerning archive process in progress.
601default provider0;16BOOLEAN1:YES
Enter a 1 if you want to be defaulted with a provider if the patient is an outpatient.
602combine test during order0;17BOOLEAN1:YES
This field allows a site to turn on or off the feature of combining test with in a panel which have the same sample and urgency during the ordering process. The software will check here first before attempting to combine single test with profiles. If there are certain test which never should be combined, edit ^LAB(60, field SHOULD NOT BE COMBINE. Then this test will not be combine with any other panel during ordering process.
603last lrdfn archive searchLRDFN;1NUMERICThis field contains the last LRDFN that was found that required archiving during the search process of lab archive.
604last purged lrdfn from archivePURGE LRDFN;1NUMERICThis is the last LRDFN that the archive process had purged from the LAR global.
605tape numberTAPE;1NUMERICThis field contains the tape number that the archive process is using during the output of archive data to a tape media.
606# of days for errorsER;1NUMERIC This field is used by the ^LABERR routine to determine the how many days before auto-instrument errors will be purged out of ^LA("ERR"). If this entry is blank, a default value of 3 days will be used.
607default opt treating sp. 0;19POINTER45.7 This field will be used as the default treating speciality for all out patient workload data collection for WKLD. It is recommended that an entry in the FACILITY TREATING SPECIALITY (#45.7) be made for AMBULATORY CARE. Then use that entry in this field. IF THIS FIELD IS BLANK, THEN THERE WILL BE NO TREATING SPECIALITY FOR OUTPATIENT WORKLOAD. PURPOSES.
608lrnightNITE;1FREE TEXTThis node is used for preventing two copies of the WORKLOAD data collection routine from being executed at the same time. This node contains the date/time that the WORKLOAD collection routine began processing the data. The node is set to null when the process completes. This node should NOT be set through FILEMAN. TO RECOVER AFTER A SYSTEM FAILURE: DELETE THIS ENTRY TO ALLOW THE WORKLOAD COLLECTION ROUTINE TO PROCEED.
609phleb/stop code runningNITE;2DATE-TIME Do not enter a date in this field. Doing so may stop the data collection process. The routines will fill in the field during the data collection process and delete the date when the process has gone to a normal completion. If the system goes down during the data collection process, you must delete the date from this field. When the scheduled run time occures, the data collect- ion will continue automatically. However if the routine error doing the collection process this field will contain the word 'ERROR' followed by the date when the error occured. If this is the case, you may wish to contact your IRM service for assistance. If the error appears two days in session, contact your IRM service.
611clinic stop codeNITE;3POINTER40.7 Enter the clinic stop code to used by the laboratory for the MAS package stop code credit. Generally the code number is 108. Select the stop code with the STOP CODE of 108. NOTE: THE DEFAULT VALUE IS 108.
612counting bb workloadNITE;4FREE TEXT This field is filled in by the routine while it processes the Blood Bank workload.
613urgency alert0;20POINTER62.05 This field is used as a cutoff level (urgency) to control the flashing the urgency alert display during verification. Any urgency equal or less than this urgency will cause the display to flash. For example, if you enter the urgency of OUTPATIENT, it has a value of 3. Then the urgencies of STAT, ASAP and OUTPATIENT for any accession will be flashed on the screen when data is entered. NOTE - If your ternimal type file is setup incorrectly or the terminal you are using does not support reverse video, the urgency will not flash, it will merely be displayed.
614*tramsmit clinic stop codesNITE;5BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is no longer used to control reporting of clinic stop codes. The PCE package has replaced the clinic stop codes with CPT codes for each test collected. You should now use PCE/VSIT ON (#615) in LABORATORY SITE (#69.9) file to control both clinic stop code and CPT code transmission. Patch LR*5.2*127 automatically sets the PCE/VSIT ON field to report both clinic stop and CPT codes. It expected that beginning with Oct. 1, 1996 VA DHCP will begin reporting workload using CPT codes. Logic has been built into the software to determine when to start reporting CPT codes to the PCE package. This field will be retired in future version.
615pce/vsit onVSIT;1SET OF CODES0:OFF
This field controls how clinic stop codes are reported. Laboratory encounters are being converted from Clinic Stop Codes to CPT codes. CPT codes are passed via a PCE interface. Enter OFF to stop all reporting. Enter PCE/VSIT to send only CPT codes and no Clinic Stop Code Reporting. Enter BOTH PCE/VSIT AND STOP CODES to continue sending Stop codes in addition to CPT Codes.
616collect wkld log file dataNITE;6BOOLEAN1:YES
The use of this field must be coordinated with the local DSS program official. New functionality now extracts this data in batch mode. All data in this file is purged before each batch data extraction session. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS FIELD BE SET TO NULL This field controls if data should be accumulated in the WKLD LOG FILE (#64.03). This file can be used for special onsite local interest in laboratory workload. This file contains information about what test are performed by the laboratory. Any special cost analysis study can make use of this file without having to actually navigate through various globals to obtain data. DSS/DMSS project will find the file very useful. Also there is an option provided to allow printing of this file with suitable cell separators for downloading to spread sheets operating on PC based systems.
617pce default provider12;1POINTER200 The provider entered will be used if the ordering provider has been terminated or does not have a person class assigned on the date of the encounter (LAB ARRIVAL TIME). Great care should be taken not to terminate or remove the default provider's person class. In addition the person class should be appropriate for a primary care provider. Failure to enter or the removal of the default provider will cause ALL WORKLOAD REPORTING TO STOP. No workload will be passed to PCE and no laboratory phlebotomy workload will be collected. If this field is vacant or the default provider becomes invalid NO WORKLOAD IS COLLECTED. None of the workload data is lost. The workload processing software will resume processing stored data once a valid default provider is entered.
618division parameters14;0MULTIPLE69.9618
619ap esig on15;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is used to activate the electronic signature function for Anatomic Pathology reports. If the flag is turned on, at the time a report is verified/released, the user will be prompted for an electronic signature. The document will then be stored in TIU. If the flag is off, the report will be verified/released without electronic signature and the document will not be stored in TIU.
620panel process dateVSIT;2DATE-TIMEThe day of the month used for processing panel tests that contain pending atomic tests for the prior calendar month. This should be one day prior to the monthly PCE roll-up date.

Not Referenced