.01element number(+)0;1NUMERICBThis field contains a numerical number which is used to determine the sequence of data for the output xml document.
.02element name(+)0;2FREE TEXTThis data is the name of the element which will be included in the xml document when created.
.03element required0;3SET OF CODES1:REQUIRED
This field is used to define whether this element is required for the output xml document. If set to required, the element is included whether or not data exists for that element. If set to not required, the element will not be included in the xml document if there is no data related to the element.
.05level(+)0;5NUMERICThis field defines what level the element is. This field is used when determining indentation of element names for ease of reading.
.06has children0;6SET OF CODES1:HAS CHILDREN
If this field is set to Has Children, then the program logic knows that there is no data realting specifically to this element, and that only the element name needs to be formatted. If Has Children is set to No, then the program knows that data is expected for this element, even though it can be null.
.07is multiple0;7SET OF CODES1:IS MULTIPLE
This field indicates whether the element can have multiple entries or is a single value. For example, the SSN Element would not be a multiple, However an element such as "Description" would have multiple lines.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 7115.34