.01amis code0;1POINTER71.1ACThis field contains the valid AMIS code(s) (from the Major AMIS Codes File) associated with this exam procedure. There may be more than one AMIS code associated with each procedure. If the procedure type is 'Detailed', there will be one AMIS code. If the procedure type is 'Series', there will be more than one AMIS code. 'Broad' types of procedures have no AMIS code.
2amis weight multiplier0;2NUMERICThis field contains a number (0-99) to indicate to the various workload report routines how many times to multiply the weighted work units associated with the AMIS code. The weight for each AMIS code is stored in the 'MAJOR RAD/NUC MED AMIS CODE' file. Most multipliers will be 1. However, there are some that are greater than 1. For example, the procedure called 'UPPER GI + SMALL BOWEL' has the AMIS code 9-GASTROINTESTINAL which has a weight of 6 work units. But, the AMIS multiplier is 2. Therefore on the workload reports, the site will get credit for 12 weighted work units each time it is performed. Radiology Central Office has directed that the weighted work unit for Ultrasound procedures involving multiple organs in the same visit can be counted only once if the organs are located close to each other. (i.e. Liver and Gallbladder)
This field will contain a 'Yes' to indicate that this is a bilateral procedure or a 'No' if it is not a bilateral procedure. If it contains a 'Yes', then the system multiplies the AMIS weight by 2. No harm is done by indicating the 'Multiplier' as '2' and 'Bilateral' as 'Yes'. The system will only use '2' as the multiplier, not (2*2) '4'.
4ct head or body?0;4SET OF CODESH:HEAD
This field contains a 'B' or 'H' value to indicate if this CT procedure is of the 'body' or of the 'head' area. Radiology Central Office has directed that the weighted work unit for two CT procedures performed in the same visit can be counted twice only if the procedures are performed on the 'head' and the 'body' areas. If two CT's are performed on the 'head' area during the same visit, then the weighted work unit for the CT is counted only once. The same is true for two CT's performed on the 'body' area during a visit.

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