This file contains data about the extracts from DHCP packages. Each entry includes the date of the extract, the package for which the extract was run, the date range covered by the extract, and the number of records sent. Data is entered into this file by the extract routines at the time extracts are transmitted to the commercial software. Data in this file may be viewed by appropriate options within the DSS package. It is not intended that this file be read directly via VA FileMan and DATA IN THIS FILE MUST NEVER BE EDITED. Editing data in this file will severely compromise the integrity of all DSS applications.
.01record number(+)0;1NUMERICBThe record numbers will be sequential and be reused at some point in the future.
1extract date0;2DATE-TIMEACThe date the DSS extract was run.
2type0;3FREE TEXTADThe type of extract that was run. Example: Admission for MAS Admission extract.
3start date/time0;4DATE-TIMEAEThe beginning date covered by the extract.
4end date/time0;5DATE-TIMEThe ending date covered by the extract.
5number of records0;6NUMERICThe number of records included in this extract.
6header for messageHEAD;1FREE TEXTEThe header for the extract run. Example: ADMISSIONS/DEMOG for the MAS Admissions extract.
7file numberFILE;1NUMERICAn indicator (pointer) of the file in ECX in which the data for this extract can be found.
8groupGRP;1FREE TEXTThe mail group to which this extract summary message was sent. The actual mail group name will be "DSS-"group name. Example: ADM for the mail group DSS-ADMS for the MAS Admission extract.
9purgedPURG;1DATE-TIMEThe date on which the data for this extract was deleted from the local extract file.
10other ifcap extractIFCAP;1POINTER727The combined IFCAP extract consists of two separate extracts, the detailed extract and the summary extract. This field is used to link the two so that they can be purged simultaneously. Like all fields in this file, it is set by the extract routines and should not be edited.
11queuedQ;1NUMERICThis field will contain the number of the task (ZTSK) for this queued transmission. It is set by the transmit routine (ECXTRANS) when the job is queued and cleared by the same routine when the transmission is completed. This field should not be edited directly via VA FileMan.
12local extractL;1SET OF CODESL:LOCAL
This field will be set for any extract designed to be transmitted to some local non-DHCP database rather than to the commercial vendor database. If this field is set, this extract can not be chosen for transmission to the commercial vendor.
13versionVER;1FREE TEXTThis field contains a version identifier to be used as part of the header in transmissions to Austin. It can then be used by the SAS programs at Austin to change the processing logic as versions change.
14extract logicVER;2FREE TEXTFiscal year extract logic used when extracting the data. Format of is the extract year + an optional revision denotion (ex: "2004", "2004A", "20041"). Note that "2004" and "2004 " are considered the same value.
15division(+)DIV;1POINTER4This field indicates the division of the user that generated the extract. This field will also indicate the division from which information was extracted for prosthetics extracts.
16user0;7POINTER200Internal Entry Number (IEN) from the New Person File (#200) of the user that ran the specified extract.
300transmittedTR;1DATE-TIMEATThis field is set when the entries for this file are transmitted to the commercial vendor. This field and the cross reference are essential for managing and purging data in this file.
301message number1;0MULTIPLE727.0301This multiple holds the message numbers sent to the Austin Automation Center for this extract.

Referenced by 30 types

  1. DSS EXTRACT LOG (727) -- other ifcap extract
  2. ADMISSION EXTRACT (727.802) -- extract number
  3. CLINIC NOSHOW EXTRACT (727.804) -- extract number
  4. NURSING EXTRACT (727.805) -- extract number
  5. DENTAL EXTRACT (727.806) -- extract number
  6. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT EXTRACT (727.808) -- extract number
  7. UNIT DOSE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.809) -- extract number
  8. PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (727.81) -- extract number
  9. SURGERY EXTRACT (727.811) -- extract number
  10. MENTAL HEALTH EXTRACT (727.812) -- extract number
  11. LABORATORY EXTRACT (727.813) -- extract number
  12. RADIOLOGY EXTRACT (727.814) -- extract number
  13. EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.815) -- extract number
  14. CLINIC I EXTRACT (727.816) -- extract number
  15. TREATING SPECIALTY CHANGE EXTRACT (727.817) -- extract number
  16. CLINIC II EXTRACT (727.818) -- extract number
  17. IV DETAIL EXTRACT (727.819) -- extract number
  18. ADMISSION SETUP EXTRACT (727.82) -- extract number
  19. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT SETUP EXTRACT (727.821) -- extract number
  20. TREATING SPECIALTY CHANGE SETUP EXTRACT (727.822) -- extract number
  21. PAI EXTRACT (727.823) -- extract number
  22. LAB RESULTS EXTRACT (727.824) -- extract number
  23. QUASAR EXTRACT (727.825) -- extract number
  24. PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (727.826) -- extract number
  25. CLINIC EXTRACT (727.827) -- extract number
  26. BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (727.829) -- extract number
  27. NUTRITION EXTRACT (727.832) -- extract number
  28. BCMA EXTRACT (727.833) -- extract number
  29. IV EXTRACT DATA (728.113) -- extract number
  30. UNIT DOSE EXTRACT DATA (728.904) -- extract number