This file contains the standard report text that the interpreting physician can choose from when dictating a report. The transcriptionist is usually the person who copies the standard report into the appropriate exam's report record while using the 'Report Enter/Edit' function. The transcriptionist will only be given the 'Select STANDARD REPORTS' prompt during the 'Report Enter/Edit' function if the 'division' parameter controlling standard reports use is set to 'yes'. Data Storage ------------ The data for the 'STANDARD REPORTS' file is stored in the ^RA(74.1, global. At the present time this file is very static after day-one initialization is complete. However, it still should be journaled. It should also be translated if the operating system supports this function. Input Templates --------------- The following is a list of input templates used by the package and the entry in the OPTIONS file (#19) that uses the template: Compiled Name Routine Description; Option(s) ---- ------- ---------------------- RA STANDARD REPORT ENTRY Used to enter/edit entries in this file; RA STANDRPTS This template should not be modified. Print Templates --------------- The following is a list of print templates used by the package: Name Description; Option(s) ---- ------------------------ RA STANDARD REPORTS LIST Print the impression and report for the entries in this file; RA STANDPRINT Sort Templates -------------- The package does not use any sort templates associated with this file.
.001report number11This field contains the number of this standard report. This provides a way to do quick look-ups of a report by its report number. Report numbers are assigned by the system and are between 1 and 999.
.01standard report(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field contains the name of this standard report. Names are assigned by the rad/nuc med coordinator at each site and must be between 3 and 30 non-numeric characters in length.
200report textR;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains the text associated with this standard report. When this standard report is chosen to be associated with an exam, the information in this field is copied into the 'report text' field for that exam.
300impressionI;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains the impression associated with this standard report. The impression is used to give a quick summary of the report text. When this standard report is chosen to be associated with an exam, the information in this field is copied into the 'impression text' field for that exam.

Not Referenced