This file stores the facility configurable software parameters that are used by the Women's Health package. Parameters may be specific to a single facility or multiple divisions within a single facility. The data in this file addresses the name of the default case manager, autoqueueing of result letters for normal PAPs and mammograms, linkages with the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine package, switches permitting the selection of specific procedures, and default dates for marking procedures as delinquent.
.01site/facility name(+)0;1POINTER4BThis is the name of the facility, division, and/or community based outpatient clinic requiring separate site parameters. If all divisions are using the same site parameters, then enter the name of the primary or lead facility.
.02default case manager0;2POINTER790.01This is the name of the case manager or the individual that will be used to initially seed the patient's record. Although the patient's care management can be transferred to another individual, this name is used as the default to deter loss of this patient's treatment needs within the facility and database. Pointer to the WV Case Manager (790.01) file.
.03autoqueue normal pap letters0;3BOOLEAN0:NO
This field stores a code (0 = No; 1 = Yes) that displays or hides the prompt: "QUEUE a PAP Result Normal letter to be sent to this patient?". This question displays after the user exits either Add a NEW Procedure or Edit a Procedure option after the results of a PAP smear procedure have been entered into the patient's record and the results/diagnosis was considered normal.
.04pap result normal letter0;4POINTER790.404This field stores the name of the PAP letter that is printed when the user answers, Yes, to the prompt: "QUEUE a PAP Result Normal letter to be sent to this patient?" after the procedures results have been entered into a patient's record.
.05ask case manager0;5BOOLEAN0:NO
This field is used to display or hide a question asking users if they want to select a particular case manager within the report option, Browse Patients With Needs Past Due. If there is only one case manager at the facility(s), the answer should be no.
.06default #days to print letter0;6NUMERICThis field contains a default value used to indicate the number of days prior to a patient's cervical (CX) or breast (BR) treatment needs due date, reminder letters (notifications) should be printed.
.07autoqueue normal mam letters0;7BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a code (0 = No; 1 = Yes) that displays or hides the prompt: "QUEUE a MAM Result Normal letter to be sent to this patient?". This question displays after the user exits either Add a NEW Procedure or Edit a Procedure option after the results of a mammogram procedure have been entered into the patient's record and the results/diagnosis was considered normal.
.08mam result normal letter0;8POINTER790.404This field stores the name of the MAM letter that is printed when the user answers, YES, to the prompt: "QUEUE a MAM Result Normal letter to be sent to this patient?" after the procedures results have been entered into a patient's record.
.1import mams from radiology0;10BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is used to automatically import and store mammography reports, from the VISTA Radiology/Nuclear Medicine package, in the Women's Health database.
.11update results/dx0;11BOOLEAN0:NO
This field indicates if the RESULTS/DIAGNOSIS field of the WV PROCEDURE file (790.1) should be updated from a Clinical Reminder. Answer YES if you want Clinical Reminders to be able to update the RESULTS/DIAGNOSIS field in a WV PROCEDURE file (790.1) entry. Answer NO, if Clinical Reminders should not update the RESULTS/DIAGNOSIS field.
.12update treatment needs0;12BOOLEAN0:NO
This field indicates if the patient's breast and cervical treatment needs and treatment due dates should be updated in the WV PATIENT file (#790) from a Clinical Reminder. Answer YES if the patient's treatment need and due date values can be updated from a Clinical Reminder. Answer NO if the treatment need and due date values should not be updated from a Clinical Reminder.
.15agency0;15SET OF CODESv:VA
The type of organization associated with this site. Currently, there is only one entry,'V' for Veterans Affairs. This field is not editable through the Edit Site Parameters option.
.23status of imported mammograms0;23SET OF CODESo:OPEN
This field automatically stores a default status (O = Open; C = Closed) in the procedure edit screens when mammography reports are imported from the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine application.
.24import tests from lab0;24BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates whether or not to automatically import lab test data from the VISTA Laboratory package, into the Women's Health database. Answer NO if you do not want the Lab package to send lab test data to the Women's Health database. Answer YES if you want the Lab package to send lab test data to the Women's Health database when a lab report is released for a cytology or surgical pathology test.
.25include all non-veterans (rad)0;25BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates whether or not procedure data transmitted from the Radiology/NM package for non-veterans will be accepted in the Women's Health package. Answer YES to accept radiology procedure data for ALL non-veterans. Answer NO to not accept radiology procedure data for any non-veterans. To accept data for some (but not all) non-veterans, answer NO and then enter the eligibility code(s) you wish to track. Leaving this answer blank is the same as YES.
.26include all non-veterans (lab)0;26BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates whether or not lab test data transmitted from the Laboratory package for non-veterans will be accepted in the Women's Health package. Answer YES to accept lab test data for ALL non-veterans. Answer NO to not accept lab test data for any non-veterans. To accept data for some (but not all) non-veterans, answer NO and then enter the eligibility code(s) you wish to track. Leaving this answer blank is the same as YES.
.27primary eligibility code (rad)5;0MULTIPLE790.13This multiple is a pointer to FILE 8. Facilities that do not want to track radiology procedure data for all non-veterans may select the eligibility codes of those non-veteran patients they do wish to track.
.28primary eligibility code (lab)6;0MULTIPLE790.14This multiple is a pointer to FILE 8. Facilities that do not want to track lab test data for all non-veterans may select the eligibility codes of those non-veteran patients they do wish to track.
1.01pap active1;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the PAP procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
1.03pap def days delinq1;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's PAP procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
2.01cobx active2;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the colposcopy w/biopsy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
2.03cobx def days delinq2;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's colposcopy w/biopsy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
3.01hyst active3;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the hysterectomy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
3.03hyst def days delinq3;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's hysterectomy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
4.01cryo active4;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the cryotherapy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
4.03cryo def days delinq4;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's cryotherapy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
7.01ecbx active7;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the ectocervical biopsy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
7.03ecbx def days delinq7;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's ectocervical biopsy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
8.01embx active8;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the endometrial biopsy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
8.03embx def days delinq8;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's endometrial biopsy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
17.01leep active17;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the LEEP procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
17.03leep def days delinq17;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's LEEP procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
18.01ecc active18;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the endocervical currettage procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
18.03ecc def days delinq18;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's endocervical currettage procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
19.01cone active19;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the cone biopsy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
19.03cone def days delinq19;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's cone biopsy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
20.01hcg active20;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the pregnancy test procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
20.03hcg def days delinq20;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's pregnancy test procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
21.01std active21;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the STD (sexually transmitted disease) evaluation procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
21.03std def days delinq21;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's STD (sexually transmitted disease) evaluation procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
22.01lasa active22;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the laser ablation procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
22.03lasa def days delinq22;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's laser ablation procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
23.01lasc active23;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the laser cone procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
23.03lasc def days delinq23;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's laser cone procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
24.01gync active24;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the GYN ONC (gynecologic oncology) consult from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
24.03gync def days delinq24;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's GYN ONC (gynecologic oncology) consult procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
25.01mamb active25;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the mammogram Dx bilateral procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
25.03mamb def days delinq25;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's mammogram Dx bilateral procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
26.01mamu active26;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the mammogram Dx unilateral procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
26.03mamu def days delinq26;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's mammogram Dx unilateral procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
27.01cbe active27;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the clinical breast exam procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
27.03cbe def days delinq27;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's clinical breast exam procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
28.01mams active28;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the mammogram screening procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
28.03mams def days delinq28;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's mammogram screening procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
29.01gscon active29;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the general surgery consult from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
29.03gscon def days delinq29;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's general surgery consult procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
30.01ndbx active30;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the needle biopsy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
30.03ndbx def days delinq30;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's needle biopsy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
31.01opbx active31;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the open biopsy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
31.03opbx def days delinq31;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's open biopsy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
32.01lmpy active32;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the lumpectomy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
32.03lmpy def days delinq32;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's lumpectomy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
33.01mast active33;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the mastectomy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
33.03mast def days delinq33;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's mastectomy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
34.01fndl active34;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the fine needle aspiration procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
34.03fndl def days delinq34;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's fine needle aspiration procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
35.01stbx active35;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the stereotactic biopsy procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
35.03stbx def days delinq35;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's stereotactic biopsy procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
37.01cimp active37;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the colposcopy impression (no Bx) procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
37.03cimp def days delinq37;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's colposcopy impression (no Bx) procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
38.01brul active38;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the breast ultrasound procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
38.03brul def days delinq38;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's breast ultrasound procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
39.01tube active39;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the tubal ligation procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
39.03tube def days delinq39;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's tubal ligation procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
40.01pelus active40;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the pelvic ultrasound procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
40.03pelus def days delinq40;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's pelvic ultrasound procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.
41.01vagus active41;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This field stores a value (1 = Yes; 0 = No) that is used to display or remove the vaginal ultrasound procedure from the procedure look-up list. If the procedure is to be included in the tracking of women's health care and treatment needs, this field value should be 'Yes'.
41.03vagus def days delinq41;3NUMERICThis field stores the number of days that a patient's vaginal ultrasound procedure record is allowed to have an open status. The software uses this date to calculate the Complete by (Date) field that resides in the WV Procedure (790.1) file and which is displayed in the procedure edit options. Indirectly this file is used to establish a date that the open procedure is considered delinquent and reflected in the Browse Procedures and Program Snapshot reports.

Not Referenced