This file stores a list of official results/diagnosis based on the Bethesda Classification system for PAP smears and the American College of Radiology (ACR) for mammograms. Every result or diagnosis is associated with procedure types appropriate for that term. File data is used to document appropriate results for procedures performed on women patients through the Add a New Procedure and Edit a Procedure options. This file is exported with data and should not be locally edited.
.01results/diagnosis(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field contains terms that are used to document results or diagnoses associated with specific procedure types. The diagnosis or results for PAP smears are based on the Bethesda Classification system; those for mammograms use the American College of Radiology classification. Entries should not be locally edited.
.02priority(+)0;2NUMERICCThis field stores an arbitrary number used to prioritize the results or diagnosis term. The range is from 1-90 with 90 being defined as normal or no results.
.03associated procedure-30;3POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.04associated procedure-40;4POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.05associated procedure-50;5POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.06associated procedure-60;6POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.07associated procedure-70;7POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.08associated procedure-80;8POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.09associated procedure-90;9POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.1associated procedure-100;10POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.11associated procedure-110;11POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.12associated procedure-120;12POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.13associated procedure-130;13POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.14associated procedure-140;14POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.15associated procedure-150;15POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.16associated procedure-160;16POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.17associated procedure-170;17POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.18associated procedure-180;18POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.19associated procedure-190;19POINTER790.2This field is used to associate the name of a single procedure type stored in the WV Procedure Type (#790.2) file (e.g., PAP smear, CBE, endometrial biopsy, mammogram) with a specific result/diagnosis.
.2assoc with all procedures0;20BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates, by a set of codes (1 = YES; 0 = NO), that the results/diagnosis should be associated with ALL Procedures.
.21normal/abnormal(+)0;21SET OF CODES0:NORMAL
This field is used to categorize the results/diagnosis of the procedure using a set of codes (0 = Normal, 1 = Abnormal, 2 = No Results). This data is used in producing the Procedure Statistics report.
.22includes hpv0;22BOOLEAN1:YES
This field indicates whether the HPV prompt is displayed on the edit screens of the Add a New Procedure and Edit a Procedure options. Set of codes (1 = Yes, 0 = No).
.23exclude from regular outputs0;23BOOLEAN1:YES
This field contains data (set of codes: 1 = Yes, 0 = No) indicating that a procedure's result/diagnosis be excluded from most regular reports, snapshots, profiles, etc.
.3synonym10;30FREE TEXTSThis field contains a 1-9 character long abbreviation for the result/diagnosis. A facility may add/edit/delete a synonym to suit its needs.
.31synonym20;31FREE TEXTThis field contains an additional 1-9 character long abbreviation for the result/diagnosis. A facility may add/edit/delete a synonym to suit its needs.

Referenced by 2 types

  1. WV PROCEDURE (790.1) -- results/diagnosis, sec result/diagnosis, ectocervical biopsy, std evaluation, impression, final dx pap/colp
  2. WV DIAGNOSTIC CODE TRANSLATION (790.32) -- women's health dx