The ROR SELECTION RULES file contains definitions of the selection rules that are used to screen patients for addition to the registries. There are two kinds of rules: top-level and lower level. If a rule is referenced by the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file, it is the top-level rule. Non-zero value of any top-level rule expression directly determines that the patient should be added to the corresponding registry. Lower level rules are referenced only by other rules (by rule macros in the expressions). Their expressions are evaluated in the proper order, and the result values are used in the expressions of other rules. Lower level rules have an indirect impact on the final result and can be used for complex processing of linked files and multiples. For example, a lower level rule can calculate maximum and minimum values of a parameter in the sub-file, and a top-level rule will analyze these values and decide if the patient should be added to the registry. Moreover, they could be used to split a very complex rule into several simpler rules. Records of the file are uniquely identified by the rule name (the "A" primary key and the uniqueness index "B" are used for this purpose).
.01rule name0;1FREE TEXTYOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FIELD IF IT IS A PART OF NATIONAL REGISTRY DEFINITION! Selection rule name must be unique and name spaced. Names of the rules that are used for National Registries must start with "VA".
ONLY AUTHORIZED NATIONAL REGISTRY DEVELOPERS CAN EDIT THIS FIELD! Selection rules of the national registries must have this field set to "YES". This prevents local editing of other fields of rule definitions.
1expression(+)1;E1,245FREE TEXTYOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FIELD IF IT IS A PART OF NATIONAL REGISTRY DEFINITION! Enter a MUMPS expression (it may contain special macros) that implements the selection rule.
2file(+)0;2NUMERICYOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FIELD IF IT IS A PART OF NATIONAL REGISTRY DEFINITION! Enter a file/sub-file number that the selection rule is associated with. Each selection rule can be associated with only one file.
4short description0;3FREE TEXTYOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FIELD IF IT IS A PART OF NATIONAL REGISTRY DEFINITION! The short description of the selection rule is used in the reports and GUI dialogs.
5description3;0WORD-PROCESSINGYou can enter any additional reference information related to the selection rule. The content of this field is not used by the application.
6data element4;0MULTIPLE798.26The DATA ELEMENT multiple contains a list of additional data elements to load. Values of all the data elements referenced in the selection rule expression are loaded automatically. However, if the rule is implemented by an external function, you can enter the codes of all necessary data elements into this multiple. Their values will be loaded automatically and will be accessible in the function.
7coding system5;1POINTER80.4This is the coding system to which the code belongs.

Not Referenced