Files > TASK

.01start record ien0;1NUMERICAll patients of the registries are distributed between the data extraction tasks. Each task extracts the data of the patients whose DFNs are not less than the value of this field in the task record and are less than the value of the field in the next task record. The first task always has 1 as a value in this field (just in case). The last task extracts the data of all patients whose registry records have IENs not less than the value of this field. Usually, this field should not be edited. It is populated automatically when the task is created.
.02task number0;2NUMERICTThis field contains the number of the Taskman task (scheduled or running) that does the data extraction. This field cannot be edited. It is updated automatically by the data extraction task.
.03status0;3SET OF CODES0:Unknown
1:Active> Pending
2:Active> Running
3:Inactive> Finished
4:Inactive> Available
5:Inactive> Interrupted
100:Inactive> Crashed
101:Inactive> Errors
102:Active> Suspended
103:Active> Stopping
The STATUS field stores the last known task status.
.04next patient ien0;4NUMERICIf the data extraction task is stopped, it finishes processing the current patient and stores the IEN of the patient that should be processed next as the value of this field. When the task is restarted, it starts from the patient IEN stored in this field. Usually, this field should not be edited. It is updated automatically by the data extraction task.
.05file name0;5FREE TEXTThe output file name is stored in this field. This name is generated automatically when the task is created. The name has the following structure: BASE-SSS-TT.HDT where 'BASE' is the base part of the file name provided by the user during creation of the task table 'SSS' is the site number (3 digits), and 'TT' is the sequential number of the task (2 digits). If the task is restarted, the optional numeric modifier '##' (2 digits) can be added to the name so that the already extracted data will not be overwritten: BASE-SSS-TT-##.HDT Usually, this field should not be edited. It is populated automatically when the task is created or restarted.
1error1;0MULTIPLE799.641This multiple contains a list of registry records that were processed with errors. When the data extraction task is restarted, it tries to re-extract the data for these patients. If it succeeds, it deletes the corresponding records from the list. The records of the multiple have the same IENs as the corresponding registry records in the ROR REGISTRY RECORD file (#798).

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 799.64