.01extract sequence(+)0;1NUMERICEach extract definition has multiple extract sequences. Each extract sequence is associated with a list rule set. Each list rule set is used to create an extract patient list. Each patient list created can be run against a sequential set of reminders. Each reminder can have a counting rule that determines how findings should be counted. The extract sequence numbers determine the order in which list rule sets should be evaluated to create patient lists and the sequence the patient lists will be saved to a Reminder Patient List and referenced from the extract summary (#810.3). A list rule set (#810.4) and extract patient list name are defined for each extract sequence number. The list rule set defines the reminder terms (#810.5) which are used to identify patients to be included in the extract patient list.
.02list rule set(+)0;2POINTER810.4This is the list rule set (#810.4) used to build the patient list.
.03extract pt list name(+)0;3FREE TEXTThis mandatory field describes the name of the extract patient list to be created from the rule set. The name will contain the string Q, M, or Y for period, 'nn' for quarter or month, and 'yyyy' for year. When the extract patient list is created for an extract reporting period, the name of the patient list will contain the resolved period, nn, and yyyy. For example, the entry 'VA-*IHD QUERI yyyy Mnn PTS WITH QUALIFY VISIT' for the January 2005 reporting period will result in a patient list name of 'VA-*IHD QUERI 2005 M1 PTS WITH QUALIFY VISIT'.
.04include deceased patients0;4BOOLEAN0:NO
If this field is set to "NO" then patients who have a date of death will be excluded from the extract patient list. If this field is set to "YES" then patients who have a date of death will be included on the extract patient list. The default is "NO".
.05include test patients0;5BOOLEAN0:NO
If this field is set to "YES" then test patients will be included on the extract patient list. If this field is set to "NO" then test patients will be excluded from the extract patient list. The default is "NO".
10reminders/counting rules10;0MULTIPLE810.22

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