.01trxn date/time(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBThis is the date/time (time is optional) of the transaction.
.02device id(+)0;2FREE TEXTThis field identifies the unique device ID (eg, IP address or serial number) of the kiosk at which the patient performed the review of his/her allergies and medical history.
.03kiosk group(+)0;3FREE TEXTThis is the name of the kiosk group to which the kiosk belongs.
.04encounter clinic0;4POINTER44This is the clinic associated with the patient's appointment.
.05appt date/time0;5DATE-TIMEThis is the patient's appointment date/time (time is optional), taken from the APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME (#.001) field of the APPOINTMENT (#1900) multiple field of the PATIENT (#2) file.
.06provider0;6POINTER200This is the provider who conducts MRAR using the staff-facing module.
.12mrar session id(+)0;11NUMERICThe unique identifier of the AR or MR session initiated by the patient.
.13interface module0;12SET OF CODESP:Patient-Facing Interface module
S:Staff-Facing Interface module
This field identifies the type of module which was used to initiate MRAR.
1ar initiated dt1;1DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) stamp that a patient initiated Allergy Review.
2ar completed dt1;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) stamp the Allergy Review module was completed on a device.
5ar incomplete dt1;5DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of AR module is incomplete in the patient-facing module. The AR INCOMPLETE REASON TYPE (#6) field lists reasons why the AR module might be incomplete.
6ar incomplete reason type1;6SET OF CODES1:AR can't start, patient is too early,too late,or not early enough
2:Patient walked away or time limit expired
3:Patient selected to exit AR
4:Patient selected to bypass AR
5:Service Failure
This field contains the reason why AR module couldn't be completed. The AR Incomplete Reason type is one of the following: 1. The AR module could not be started because patient arrived TOO EARLY, TOO LATE, or NOT EARLY ENOUGH at the device. 2. Either the patient walked away in the middle of Allergy Review or the TIME LIMIT AR COMPLETE time expired. 3. The patient selected to exit the Allergy Review. 4. The patient selected to bypass the Allergy Review. 5. Service failure of VetLink at the site. TOO LATE, TOO EARLY, and NOT EARLY ENOUGH are defined in TIME LIMIT TOO LATE ARRIVAL (#7), TIME LIMIT TOO EARLY ARRIVAL (#8), and TIME LIMIT NOT EARLY ENOUGH (#9) fields of the PARAM INSTANCE (#853.01) subfile of VPS CONFIG HISTORY (#853). TIME LIMIT AR COMPLETE (#16) field is also defined in that subfile.
7ar session outcome1;7SET OF CODESA:ABBREVIATED
This field indicates that the AR session was full or abbreviated. It's a full session if the patient did review and returned in permitted period to re-review. It's abbreviated if the patient was just accepting the opportunity to review information and make any changes.
8add allergy initiated dt2;3DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that the patient initiated the additional allergy entry section of Allergy Review.
9add allergy completed dt2;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that the patient completed the additional allergy section of AR in a session.
10aller change completed dt1;8DATE-TIMEThis is date/time (time is optional) stamp of the Allergy Review module was completed during a PDO invocable period.
11aller change initiated dt1;9DATE-TIMEThis is date/time (time is optional) stamp of the Allergy Review module was first activated during a PDO Invocable period.
12ar free text used1;12SET OF CODES1:AR free text feature is used
This field indicates whether or not AR free text feature is being used.
13ar free text completed dt1;13DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that the patient-facing Allergy Review free text entry section was completed.
14vet view add allergy comp dt1;14DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of the additional allergy interface in the staff-facing's Veteran view tab during a PDO invocable period was completed.
15vet view add aller init dt1;15DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of the additional allergy interface was first activated in the staff-facing's Veteran view tab during a PDO invocable period.
16vet view change aller comp dt1;16DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of the review-and-change allergy interface in the staff-facing's Veteran view tab was completed during a PDO invocable period.
17vet view change aller init dt1;17DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of the review-and-change allergy interface was first activated in the staff-facing's Veteran view tab during a PDO invocable period.
18mr change reason initiated dt5;14DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time (time is optional) the patient first enters "How are you taking this medication?" during MR review.
Allergy Review structured response from patient at kiosk (e.g., check box selected): "I don't know what my other allergies are".
20no known drug allergies2;2SET OF CODES1:NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES
Allergy Review structured response from patient at kiosk (e.g., Confirmation dialog): "Do you have any allergies or reactions?".
21mrar conducted withMRARWITH;0MULTIPLE853.5121This multiple contains individuals (patient, Spouse, Other Family member, Caregiver, Friend, Outside Medication List, or Other) whom the provider conducted the MRAR with.
This field indicates that the MR was completed over several sessions by the patient within the time limit.
23mr free text used5;15SET OF CODES1:MR FREE TEXT FEATURE USED
This field indicates that the MR Free Text feature is used in Medication Review.
24vet view chg dod med comp dt6;1DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of the review/change medication entry screen for DOD medication was last exited in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
25vet view chg dod med init dt6;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the review-change DOD medication entry screen is first opened in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
26vet view chg nonva med comp dt6;3DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of the review/change medication entry screen for NON-VA medication was last exited in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
27vet view chg nonva med init dt6;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the review-change NON-VA medication entry screen is first opened in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
28vet view chg local med comp dt6;5DATE-TIMEThis field is the date/time (time is optional) of when the review-change for a local-VA medication was last existed in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
29vet view chg local med init dt6;6DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) when the review-change local-VA medication entry screen is first opened in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
30allergiesALLERGY;0MULTIPLE853.52Each transaction sent by Vetlink may contain multiple allergies.
31vet view chg remot med comp dt6;7DATE-TIME
32vet view chg remot med init dt6;8DATE-TIMEThis field is the date/time of when the review-change medication entry screen is first opened, a selection from "How are you taking this medication" made regarding a medication from the patient's remote VistA and the "Next" button selected in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
33web id7;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the unique identifier of the Web connection to the MRAR.
40additional allergiesALLERGYADD;0MULTIPLE853.53Each transaction sent by Vetlink may contain multiple additional allergies.
50medicationsMEDS;0MULTIPLE853.54Each transaction sent by Vetlink may contain multiple medications.
60additional medicationsMEDSADD;0MULTIPLE853.55Each transaction sent by Vetlink may contain multiple additional medications.
70pdo first invoked dt4;1DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that the PDO was first invoked in the PDO invocation period.
When set to "E", this field indicates that a provider attempted to invoke the PDO but could not because the PDO invocation period expired.
73pdo next invoked dt4;4DATE-TIMEThis field contains the subsequent date/time (time is optional) that the PDO was invoked after the first invoked in the PDO invocation period. The first invoked date/time is stored in PDO FIRST INVOKED (field #70).
74staff module completed dt4;5DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that the staff module was completed. The staff module is considered completed after the provider performed the most recent of either of these events to occur within PDO invocable period: when the staff module is signed or TIU Note is signed. Note: This means it is possible for the staff-facing module to be completed multiple times within a PDO invocable period, where each completion is by a different provider.
76staff module signed dt4;7DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that Staff Module was signed.
77mr initiated dt5;1DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that the patient initiated Medication Review.
78mr completed dt5;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) that the patient-facing Medication Review module was completed.
80mr change med initiated dt5;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the patient started entering the review/change medication interface. If the patient fails to start the interface, this field will be empty. NOTE: The user has only a limited amount of time to complete the process, as governed by the TIME LIMIT MR COMPLETE (#17) field of the PARAM INSTANCE (#853.01) subfile of the VPS CONFIG HISTORY (#853) file.
81mr change med completed dt5;5DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the patient completed the review/change of the last medication interface. If patient fails to complete the interface, this field will be empty. NOTE: The user has only a limited amount of time to complete the process, as governed by the TIME LIMIT MR COMPLETE (#17) field of the PARAM INSTANCE (#853.01) subfile of the VPS CONFIG HISTORY (#853) file.
82mr change reason completed dt5;6DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the patient completed either the "How are you taking this medication?" or the associated "Comment" interface. If the patient fails to complete the interface, this field will be empty. NOTE: The user has only a limited amount of time to complete the process, as governed by the TIME LIMIT MR COMPLETE (#17) field of the PARAM INSTANCE (#853.01) subfile of the VPS CONFIG HISTORY (#853) file.
83mr incomplete reason type5;7SET OF CODES1:MR can't start, patient is too early,too late,or not early enough
2:Patient walked away or time limit expired
3:Patient selected to exit MR
4:Patient selected to bypass MR
5:Service Failure
This field contains the reason why MR module couldn't be completed. The MR Incomplete Reason type is one of the following: 1. The MR module could not be started because patient arrived TOO EARLY, TOO LATE, or NOT EARLY ENOUGH at the device. 2. Either the patient walked away in the middle of Medication Review or the TIME LIMIT MR COMPLETE time expired. 3. The patient selected to exit the Medication Review. 4. The patient selected to bypass the Medication Review. 5. Service failure of VetLink at the site. TOO LATE, TOO EARLY, and NOT EARLY ENOUGH are defined in TIME LIMIT TOO LATE ARRIVAL (#7), TIME LIMIT TOO EARLY ARRIVAL (#8), and TIME LIMIT NOT EARLY ENOUGH (#9) fields of the PARAM INSTANCE (#853.01) subfile of VPS CONFIG HISTORY (#853). TIME LIMIT MR COMPLETE (#17) field is also defined in that subfile.
84mr free text section done dt5;8DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the patient-facing Medication Review free text entry section was completed.
85mr session outcome5;9SET OF CODESF:FULL
This field indicates that the MR session was full or abbreviated. It's a full session if the patient did review and returned in permitted period to re-review. It's abbreviated if the patient was just accepting the opportunity to review information and make any changes.
86mr add med initiated dt5;10DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the patient started entering the additional medication interface. If the patient fails to start the interface, this field will be empty. NOTE: The user has only a limited amount of time to complete the process, as governed by the TIME LIMIT MR COMPLETE (#17) field of the PARAM INSTANCE (#853.01) subfile of the VPS CONFIG HISTORY (#853) file.
87mr add med completed dt5;11DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the patient completed the entry of the last additional medication interface. If the patient fails to complete the interface, this field will be empty. NOTE: The user has only a limited amount of time to complete the process, as governed by the TIME LIMIT MR COMPLETE (#17) field of the PARAM INSTANCE (#853.01) subfile of the VPS CONFIG HISTORY (#853) file.
88vet view add med initiated dt5;12DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the additional medication entry screen is first opened in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
89vet view add med completed dt5;13DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the staff exited the additional medication entry screen in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period, in which the session's staff module was completed.
92vet view chg all med init dt5;16DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the review-change medication entry screen is first opened, a selection from "How are you taking this medication?" is made regarding any medication, and the "Next" button is selected in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period.
93vet view chg all med comp dt5;17DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of when the review-change medication entry screen is last exited after a selection for any medication made from "How are you taking this medication?, and the "Next" button is selected in the Veteran view tab of the staff-facing module during the PDO invocable period, in which the session's staff module was completed.
95mr incomplete dt5;19DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time (time is optional) of MR module is incomplete in the patient-facing module. MR INCOMPLETE REASON TYPE (#83) field lists the reason why the MR module might be incomplete.
105tiu note4;8POINTER8925This is the TIU note created by the provider after reviewing the allergy and medication for the patient.

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