Files > DIALOG

.01prompt0;1FREE TEXTBThis is the prompt with which the user will be presented during interactive entry of the document.
.02item name0;2FREE TEXTThis is a descriptive name for the datum which will help descibe the prompt for the user.
.03sequence0;3NUMERICASThis is the sequence of the prompt within the dialog. On the Windows Client this will correspond with the Tab Order Property of the prompt.
.04field0;4FREE TEXTThis is the field in the target file in which the user's response will be stored.
Please indicate whether a response to this prompt is required, in order to complete the dialog.
This field specifies whether a given datum will be prompted for, or "stuffed," based on execution of the SET METHOD for a given prompt.
1set method1;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is the mumps code for determining the default value of an interactive ("visible") prompt, and for setting the value to be non-interactively "stuffed" on invokation of an "invisible" prompt. Regardless of the syntactic approach (e.g., subroutine or extrinsic function, the return value of the method should be placed in the local varible X.
101windows controlW;1SET OF CODES1:LongList
Stores the type of Windows control necessary to get the data for this prompt.
102api nameW;2FREE TEXTThis is the API that should be called by the broker when the control is used. How the API is used varies with the control. Examples are: filling list boxes, getting boilerplate text, etc.
103api parameter #1W;3FREE TEXTA parameter that is used by the API may be stored here.
113windows conditionW3;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is silent code which is executed when building the dialog for Windows. It identifies which prompts should be included in the dialog. The condition should leave $T failse if the prompt should not be asked.
117windows defaultW7;E1,245FREE TEXTThis code should silently set the default value of a prompt when it is selected.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 8925.114