The lookup entry (or code) can be associated with multiple key words or key phrases. The entry will be displayed if the user enters all or any part of a key phrase. For example: |**mtlu x-ref** KEYPHRASE: LOOKUP FILE: V SALT AND PEPPER NAME: JOHN HAIR COLOR: LIGHT BROWN SORT OF GRAY JACK PRETTY GRAY SCHNAUZER JILL GEORGIA CLAY MARY SORT OF GRAY JIM BLACK AND WHITE If each of the above keyphrases are associated with 'JIM' then users can enter the following combinations: 1. SALT, SALT AND PEPPER, SALT & PEPPER, PEPPER, SORT OF PEPPER, SCHNAUZER will return ONLY Jim. Note that SORT OF PEPPER returns only Jim because the tokens 'SORT' and 'PEPPER' must BOTH be true for a match. PEPPER is false for Mary. 2. SORT, SORT OF GRAY returns Mary and Jim 3. GRAY returns Mary, Jim, and Jack NOTE! LOOKUPS ARE PERFORMED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: 1. SHORTCUT<--stops here if a match is found 2. SYNONYM 3. KEYWORD
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBA term or phrase that will be associated with a specific entry in a target file.
.03code0;3FREE TEXTC This field holds the entry itself and is triggered by ENTRY field.
.04associated file0;4POINTER1AD This field contains the global root of the file associated with the keyword entry. It is TRIGGERED by the ENTRY field.

Not Referenced