.01vol group (node)0;1FREE TEXTB This field is the 3 letter name that is generally associated with the MGR UCI for a node. For example, CSA, CSB, PSA, FSA, etc. Please don't include the Shadow Servers.
1auto adjust rthist table size0;2NUMERICLeave this field blank to AUTOMATICALLY ADJUST THE RTHIST TABLE SIZE. When the RTHIST job is started, it requires the number of table entries to be specified. If the entry for table size is too small, then a ~TABLE,FULL~ condition will occurr. If you define this field (i.e. Not Null), then I will use this value for the MAXIMUM RTHIST table size. On the other hand, if you leave this field Null, then I will use the MAX AM TABLE SIZE field (#6) to adjust the AM RTHIST table size for the morning RTHIST session, or the MAX PM TABLE SIZE field (#7) to adjust the PM RTHIST table size for the afternoon RTHIST session.
2name of production uci0;3FREE TEXT This is the name of your Production UCI for this node, i.e. VAH. This is used in various reports.
5name of manager uci0;6FREE TEXT This is the name of the manager's UCI for this node, i.e. MGR.
5.5server type0;7SET OF CODESc:Compute
This field indicates the type of usage for this node. For example, a 'Compute' Servers is used only for interactive logins.
6max am table size1;1FREE TEXT This field is equal to the ^RTHIST(,"SIZE") created during the AM RTHIST run. The piece delimiter is "~" that is used for parcing. The following are the piece definations. $P # Defination ==== ========== 1 RTHIST initial Table Size 2 highest number of Table entries used during RTHIST if $P#1 = $P#2 then an overflow will occurr. See $P#5 and $P#6. 3 $H date when this node was created. 4 $H time when this node was created. 5 number of Routine Commands by Routine LOST because of a table overflow. 6 number of Global by global references LOST because of a table overflow. 7 number of Routine Commands counted. 8 number of Global references by global counted. 9 number of Global reference by Routine counted.
7max pm table size2;1FREE TEXT This is the same as the MAX AM TABLE SIZE (field #6). See field #6's DESCRIPTION.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 8987.13