Files > FIELD

.01field order0;1NUMERICBThe Field Order number determines the order in which users traverse the fields in the block as they press .
1caption0;2FREE TEXTA caption is uneditable text that appears on the screen. Captions of data dictionary, form-only, and computed fields serve to identify for the user the data portion of the fields. Captions for these types of fields are automatically followed by a colon, unless the Suppress Colon After Caption property is set to 'YES.' A field with an Executable Caption must have '!M' as a Caption.
1.1executable caption.1;E1,245FREE TEXTEnter MUMPS code that sets the variable Y equal to the caption you want displayed. This code is executed and the caption evaluated whenever the page on which this caption is located is painted.
2field type0;3SET OF CODES0:UNKNOWN
Enter the field type. CAPTION ONLY fields are for displaying text on the screen. FORM ONLY fields are fields defined only on the form and are not tied to a field in a FileMan file. DATA DICTIONARY fields are fields from a FileMan file. COMPUTED fields, like form-only fields, are fields that are defined only on the form. Associated with a COMPUTED field is a computed expression.
3display group0;4FREE TEXTDisplay group helps users resolve ambiguity when they attempt to ^-jump to a field that has a caption that is not unique. If more than one field has the same caption, when users try to ^-jump to a field with that caption, they are presented with a list of fields to choose from. The text in the Display Group property is displayed in parentheses after the caption to help the user identify the correct field. For example, if two fields have the caption 'NAME:', but one of those fields has a Display Group 'Next of Kin', when users enter ^NAME, they will be asked to choose between 'NAME' and 'NAME (Next of Kin)'.
3.1unique name0;5FREE TEXTThis is the unique name of the element on the block. No two elements on the block can have the same Unique Name. Unique Names are never seen by the user. You can refer to an element on a block by its Unique Name in some of the ScreenMan utilities such as PUT^DDSVAL and $$GET^DDSVAL, and in the computed expressions of computed fields.
4field1;1FREE TEXTEnter the number or name of a field in the file defined by the data dictionary number for this block.
4.1data coordinate2;1FREE TEXTData coordinate is relative to the position of the block. The top left corner of the block has a coordinate of 1,1.
4.2data length2;2NUMERICThe data length defines the size of the editing window. The editing window is a single line and must not extend into or beyond the rightmost column on the screen. On an 80 column screen, the editing window must not extend beyond column 79.
5.1caption coordinate2;3FREE TEXTCaption coordinate is relative to the position of the block. The top left corner of the block has coordinate 1,1.
5.2suppress colon after caption?2;4BOOLEAN0:NO
Enter 'YES' to suppress the display of a colon and space after the caption.
6default3;1FREE TEXTEnter the default you want displayed when the user first loads the page on which this field is located, and the field's value is originally null. Since ScreenMan validates the default, it must be valid, unambiguous, and in external form; otherwise, it is not used. If you want to create an executable default, i.e., a default whose value is determined at run time when the page is first loaded, the value of this field must be "!M".
6.01executable default3.1;E1,245FREE TEXTEnter MUMPS code that sets the variable Y equal to the default you want displayed when the page is first loaded and the data value on file is null. Y must be set to a valid, unambiguous user response; otherwise, it is ignored.
Whenever the user attempts a Save, ScreenMan checks all required fields on all pages accessed during the editing session, as well as all pages linked to the first page via the Next and Previous Page links. If any of the required fields have null values, no Save occurs. You need not make a field required that is already required by its data definition.
This field is not currently being used.
6.3right justify4;3BOOLEAN0:NO
Enter 'YES' if the data for this field should be displayed right-justified in the editing window.
6.4disable editing4;4SET OF CODES0:NO
Enter 'YES' to disable editing and to prevent the user from navigating to the field. Enter 'REACHABLE' to disable editing, but allow the user to navigate to the field.
6.5disallow laygo4;5BOOLEAN0:NO
Enter 'YES' to prohibit the user from adding new subentries into this multiple. This question only pertains to multiple-valued fields.
6.6ask 'ok'4;6BOOLEAN0:NO
Answer 'YES' to ask the user whether the looked-up entry is 'OK'. If only one match is made to the user's lookup value, then ScreenMan will ask "OK?" instead of automatically selecting the found entry. This property corresponds to the "V" flag in the DIC(0) input variable to ^DIC and only pertains to multiple-valued fields.
8sub page link7;2NUMERICIf you wish to take users to a pop-up page when they press at this field, enter the Page Number of that page. When users exit that pop-up page, ScreenMan will automatically take them to the field following this field. You can also use the Parent Field property of the pop-up page to link a field to the pop-up page.
10branching logic10;E1,245FREE TEXTThis MUMPS code is executed whenever the user presses at the field. Here you can set DDSBR equal to the field, block, and page, separated by up-arrow delimiters, of the field to which you wish to take users when they press . For example, S:X="Y" DDSBR="TEST FIELD 1^TEST BLOCK 1^TEST PAGE 2" would take the user to the field with unique name or caption "TEST FIELD 1" on the block named "TEST BLOCK 1" on a page named "TEST PAGE 2". Alternatively, if you wish to take users to another page when they press at this field, and then when they close that page, automatically take them to the field immediately following this field, you can set DDSSTACK equal to the page name or number of that page. The variable X contains the current internal value of the field, DDSEXT contains the current external value of the field, and DDSOLD contains the previous internal value of the field.
11pre action11;E1,245FREE TEXTThis MUMPS code is executed when the user reaches the field. The variable X contains the current value of the field.
12post action12;E1,245FREE TEXTThis MUMPS code is executed when the user leaves the field, except on time-out. The variable X contains the current internal value of the field, DDSEXT contains the current external value of the field, and DDSOLD contains the previous internal value of the field.
13post action on change13;E1,245FREE TEXTThis MUMPS code is executed only if the user changed the value of the field. The variables X and DDSEXT contain the new internal and external values of the field, and DDSOLD contains the original internal value of the field.
14data validation14;E1,245FREE TEXTEnter MUMPS code that will be executed after the user enters a new value for this field. If the code sets DDSERROR, the value will be rejected. You might also want to ring the bell and make a call to HLP^DDSUTL to display a message to the user that indicates the reason the value was rejected.
20.1read type20;1SET OF CODESD:DATE
Enter the data type of this form-only field.
20.2parameters20;2FREE TEXTThis property coressponds to the parameters that can be used in the first ^-piece of the DIR(0) input variable to ^DIR. The "O" parameter has no effect, since the Required property can be used to make a field required. The "A" and "B" parameters also have no effect. Free text fields can use the "U" parameter. List or Range fields can use the "C" parameter. Set of Codes fields can use the "X" and "M" parameters.
20.3qualifiers20;3FREE TEXTThis property corresponds to the second ^-piece of the DIR(0) input variable to ^DIR. For Data Dictionary type form only fields, it identifies the file and field. Valid qualifiers are: Date Minimum date:Maximum date:%DT Free Text Minimum length:Maximum length List or Range Minimum:Maximum:Maximum decimals Numeric Minimum:Maximum:Maximum decimals Pointer Global root or #:DIC(0) Set of Codes Code:Stands for;Code:Stands for; Yes or No Data Dictionary file#,field#
22input transform22;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is MUMPS code that can examine X, the value entered by the user, and kill X if it is invalid. It corresponds to the third ^-piece of the DIR(0) input variable to ^DIR.
23save code23;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is MUMPS code that is executed when the user issues a Save command and the value of this field changed since the last Save. You can use this field to save in global or local variables the value the user enters into this field. The following variables are available: X = The new value of the field in internal form DDSEXT = The new value of the field in external form DDSOLD = The original (pre-save) value of the field in internal form
24screen24;E1,245FREE TEXTThis screen is valid only for pointer and set-type form-only fields. You can enter MUMPS code that sets the variable DIR("S"), to screen the the values that can be selected.
30computed expression30;E1,245FREE TEXTYou can enter MUMPS code that sets the variable Y equal to the value of the computed field. Alternatively, you can precede the computed expression with an equal sign (=). For example, S:$D(var)#2 Y="The value is: "_{NUMERIC} ={FIRST NAME}_" "_{LAST NAME} ={FO(PRICE)}*1.085 NUMERIC, FIRST NAME, and LAST NAME are the name of FileMan fields used on the form, and PRICE is the caption of a form-only field found on the current page and block of the form.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: .4044